Language: Trilingual English / Spanish / French
Portuguese Intermediate level
Skills: Management, Logistics, Import-Export, Marketing? Web marketing,, Communication, Project Management, Finance, Gestion
Computer skills : Pack Office(Excel, Word, power point, MS Project)/ Knowledge in Graphic Softwares:Photoshop, Illustrator, Publisher / Internet, intranet
Job Objective: To pursue within an international environment a rewarding career in a challenging and leadership position where my varied and complementary skills in Marketing, Communication, Import/Export, Customer Services, Finance fields can be profitably used to achieve corporate objectives & to get optimum utilization of the company resources & maximum profits.
Mes compétences :
Gestion de projet
Stratégie digitale
Recrutement cadres
Études marketing
Marketing stratégique
Marketing direct
Marketing opérationnel
Transport international
Evènementiel et logistique