
Sandrine MARTIN


En résumé

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  • University of Michigan, Etats Unis - Lead Research Engineer

    2004 - maintenant • Technical manager of the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network (NNIN) program at the U-M site: develop all activities and procedures related to the NNIN operation at U-M (user support, education, outreach, IT and data tracking system); supervise process engineers and other staff assigned to NNIN projects.
    • User manager for the Lurie Nanofabrication Facility (LNF): coordinate interactions with internal and external laboratory users (including user fees and billing system), develop and conduct user outreach activities.
  • University of Michigan, Etats Unis - Adjunct Assistant Professor

    2003 - 2004 Taught and updated a course on electrical circuits, systems and applications for non EE majors.
  • University of Michigan, Etats Unis - Research Scientist

    1999 - 2003 • Developed research activities on organic polymer thin-film devices (Organic thin-film transistors in collaboration with the Dow Chemical Company, Motorola and Xerox for NIST ATP; Organic Light-Emitting Displays for Digital Mammography as part of an NIH project)
    • Supervised graduate and undergraduate students research activities. Helped develop and managed the Organic and Molecular Electronics Laboratory at the University of Michigan;
  • University of Michigan, Etats Unis - Post doc

    1996 - 1998 Recherche sur les instabilités électriques des transistors en couches minces à base de silicium amorphe.
  • France Telecom - CNET Lannion - Doctorante

    1993 - 1996 Thèse de doctorat sur la Simulation numérique et caractérisation d'effets bidimensionels dans les transistors en couches minces à base de silicium amorphe hydrogéné.
    CNET Lannion, départements OCM/TEP, puis FCI/PIH.
    Convention CIFRE avec Sagem



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