
Sebastien HARANG


En résumé

Looking for an industry shift, new challenges in a company that recognizes and values employees’ performance and achievements.

Graduate with a Master degree in Information Technology and an advanced Master in Strategy and Management of International Business in Singapore. My technical and business qualifications allow me to work in complex environments and to understand operations management, business development as well as financial, strategic and marketing concepts.

I’m currently based in Hong Kong and working as APAC IS Service Delivery Manager for Nissan Global for more than a year where I’m looking after Nissan Sales and Finance companies across Asia. My main activities consist in implementing solutions, seeking technical and processes synergies and proposing enhancements to support the Business growth in the local markets. My latest achievement was the implementation of the new Wholesale system for the Thai market which took 9 months, required to coordinate onsite and offsite with Pakistanis, Indian, Japanese teams to deliver the system on-time, within the budget while managing Business’ commitments and expectations.

Prior to this experience, I have worked 8 years for Renault in a highly competitive and innovative context. Conducting projects in a complex environment has given me rigor and autonomy, essential for their success. Finally, my team management experience in an environment subject to strong operational and economic constraints allowed me to demonstrate both my organizational and communication skills in international and multicultural environments.

Mes compétences :
IT Manager


  • Nissan Global Limited - Hong Kong - Global Sales & Finance Service Delivery Manager

    2012 - maintenant Scope of responsibility

    NISSAN APAC Sales & Finance Business Units (SFBU) including:
    Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, India

    • Coordinated IS strategic projects delivered respecting Quality/Cost/Delivery constraints:
    • Thailand - Wholesale Solution implementation
    • Australia - Retail System Upgrade
    • NZ - Retail and Wholesale Systems implementations
    • Business Units budget preparation and CAPEX validation
    • Managed IS relationship between Nissan/SFBU/external vendors
    • Implemented IS Best Practices from Nissan Global IS to the SFBU
    • Proposed and implemented IS service delivery enhancements to support Business operations
  • Astrium - Singapore - Space Plane Business Plan Competition in collaboration with ESSEC Business School

    2012 - 2012 Part of ESSEC Team (5 people)

    Project objective:
    Propose an innovative Business Plan for Astrium space Plane exploitation.

    - Finance
    - Customer Experience
    - Marketing Strategy
    - Market Positioning
  • NESTLE - Singapore - Market Analyst | Part-time consultancy mission in collaboration with ESSEC Business School

    2012 - 2012 Malaysian and Indonesian Telecom Markets Analysis.

    Project Objectives:
    Providing Nestle key elements to enter Malaysian and Indonesian Market with web applications.
  • SUTL - Singapore - Business Development/ Project coordination

    2011 - 2012 Leader of a team of 5 people.

    Project objectives:
    Find opportunities to promote sailing activities in Singapore by organizing regattas and selling packages to local companies.
  • Renault SAS - Paris - Team Leader / Project Manager

    2009 - 2011 Supervised a team of 25 experts
    Coordinated strategic projects delivered respecting Quality/Cost/Delay constraints
    Cost optimization projects (SQL Licenses)
    International projects (Avtovaz-Renault’s plant secured IS)
    Technological Projects (VMware, Virtual Tape Library infrastructure)
    Handled and improved MOC (Maintenance in Operational Conditions) processes for Security-related activities
    Headed crisis units concerning incidents occurred on Critical/Strategic applications

    Technical scope
    Responsibility on ~1200 servers – Virtual infrastructure management (600 VM) - Leader of secured hosting environment (25 DMZ / 350 secured servers -Windows/Solaris)
  • Renault S.A.S - Architecte Technique / Spécialiste des environnements d'hébergement sécurisés

    Boulogne-Billancourt 2005 - 2008 Définition des architectures techniques des applications sensibles (solutions hébergées, ASP…) :

    - Dimensionnement et chiffrage des infrastructures
    - Optimisation des choix en fonction des contraintes métiers, coûts et délais
    - Analyse de risques

    Conception de la solution technique et sécurité utilisée dans le cadre des échanges de données entre Renault et son centre de développement (Chennai,Inde)

    Définition des règles générales de sécurité pour l'hébergement des applications en ASP

    Pilotage de la prestation Atos Origin concernant la sécurisation des composants UNIX

    Accompagnement de projets
  • Renault S.A.S - Administrateur Système (Sécurité UNIX)

    Boulogne-Billancourt 2003 - 2005 Participation en tant qu’expert en sécurité à un vaste projet d'entreprise visant l'hébergement de 40 applications Web :

    - Etude des aspects sécurité du projet
    - Comparaison des caractéristiques techniques des serveurs, sélection d'une solution basée sur des serveurs SUN
    - Dimensionnement et définition de l'infrastructure d'hébergement

    Sécurisation de multiples composants : Iplanet, WebSphere Application Server, Oracle, CFT, MQ, WPS

    Installation de Solaris sur serveurs SUN, application des règles de sécurité, installation des outils d'hypervision

    Conception et prise en charge de la plateforme d'administration des environnements sécurisés :

    - Accès unique vers les serveurs sécurisés pour l’ensemble des utilisateurs Intranet
    - Gestion centralisée et individuelle des autorisations d’accès
    - Pilotage des composants techniques par l’intermédiaire de menus personnalisés

    Formations suivies : SUN Solaris, sécurité UNIX, management, CMMi, UML


  • maintenant
  • ESSEC Business School, Singapour (Singapore)

    Singapore 2011 - 2012 Ms Strategy and Management of International Business

    Major: Strategic Management
    Relevant courses:
    Managing International Business in Asia
    Innovation management
    Asian Economies
    Supply Chain Management
  • Université Rennes 1

    Rennes 2002 - 2003


Annuaire des membres :