


En résumé

- Project Management - Business prospecting, Accountancy, Management, Human resources, Communication
- Hydrology - rainfall-runoff modelling; large-scale grid-based catchment modelling; flood frequency estimation; drought assessment studies, integrated surface water and groundwater modelling. Competent using hydrological software.
- Water resource - Hydrological data analysis and data management, impact assessment of surface water/groundwater abstraction on hydrology, flood delineation/mapping, climate change.
- Flood Risk - flood risks to people, hazard mapping, flood forecasting. Competent in computational hydraulics (river and urban modelling – 1D, 2D).
- GIS – Competent using Arc View and MapInfo. I have gained GIS experience on projects.
- Data processing - Proficient using MS Excel.
- International experience – United Kingdom, France, Ethiopia (work experience), South Korea, China (Academic experience) Togo, United State (Project experience).

Mes compétences :
Water Management


  • BRL - Water Ressources Engineer

    2012 - maintenant • Projects implementation in Water Resources Management -
    • Projects implementation in Irrigation & drainage.
    • Business prospecting
    • Coordination of BRL's intervention in Ethiopia
  • Arcadis - Hydraulics Engineer/Hydrologist

    Le Plessis-Robinson 2011 - 2012 Main activities: Hydrology, Hydro-informatics, Urban and River engineering, Hydro-informatics, report writing.

    Main projects:
    • GPSO : Hydrology and hydraulics studies of the new railway project (Assessment, River) between in South-West of France (Between Bordeaux – Toulouse).
    • GCO : Hydrology and hydraulics studies of the new motorway project (Assessment, River crossed) in Starsbourg (France)
    • Hydrology studies of the Parc de Chaumont in Paris (France)
    • Hydrology study for a urban project in Lomé (Togo).

    Contact: Arcadis – 9 Avenue Réaumur, 92354 Le Plessis Robinson Cedex, France
  • HR wallingford - Engineer

    2010 - 2011 Main activities: Water management, Hydrology, Hydro-informatics, GIS, Cartography, River engineering.

    Main projects:
    • ARCC-Water: develop new methods and tools to assess the risk of climate change impacts on water infrastructure systems and improve the performance of the water supply/demand system under future extreme events (floods, droughts, heat waves) in South of England.
    • Prototype FloodWorks flood forecasting and warning system for San Antonio River Authority: Development of existing InfoWorks RS and HEC-RAS river models with real-time data streams, integrated within the FloodWorks modelling environment.
    • Flood modelling in Eastington and Laxton, North of the River Ouse: this project involves a hydrology analysis and hydraulics modeling to determine the water level and flood extents.

    Contact: HR Wallingford – Howbery Park, Wallingford, OXON OX10 8BA, UNITED KINGDOM
  • ATLAM - Project Manager

    2007 - 2008 Main activities: Urban/rural hydraulics and hydrology projects, Sewage system diagnosis, Meeting business, Cartography, Environmental impact Survey, Hydro-informatics, report writing.

    Contact: ATLAM – 38, rue Saint-Michel – 85190 Venansault - FRANCE
  • CUMA départementale des Hautes-Pyrénées et du Gers - Technician Consultant

    2005 - 2005 Main activities: Study and realization of sewage drainage, Study of drainage impacts on the environment

    Contact: CUMA Départementale 65-32-82 - La Herray - BP 20021 - 65501 Vic-en-Bigorre - FRANCE


  • Beijing University Of Technology (Beijing)

    Beijing 2010 - 2010 Academic Exchange– « Engineering Program for International Students »

    Civil Engineering - Principal subjects: Water Management, Water Supply and Treatment System, Hydraulics, Chinese language
    Beijing University of technology (China)
  • University Of Incheon (Incheon)

    Incheon 2009 - 2009 Water Management

    Principal subjects: Coastal engineering, Integrated Water Management, Advanced Numerical Analysis in Hydraulics, Water Supply and Treatment System
  • Université Nice Sophia Antipolis Polytech'Nice Hydroprotech - Sophia Antipolis

    Biot 2008 - 2010 Master of Sciences Hydroprotech « Hydro-technologic and Environmental Project Management »

    Principal subjects: Hydrology, River and urban Hydraulic, Water management, Project management, Hydro-informatics, GIS, Water Supply and Treatment System, Communication
    Polytech’Nice Sophia-Antipolis School (France)
  • Université Poitiers

    Poitiers 2006 - 2007 Bachelor's degree of Environmental protection specialized in « Water use and water quality »

    Principal subjects: Hydrology, Hydraulic, Hydrogeology, Hydrobiology, GIS, CAD, Geology, Environment
  • Lycée Legta

    Dax Oeyreluy 2004 - 2006 Associate Degree in Water management (GEMEAU) specialized in « Water engineering and management of urban and rural waters »

    Principal subjects: Mathematics, Hydrology, Hydraulic, Ecology, Topography, Informatics, Chemistry, CAD


Annuaire des membres :