


En résumé

18-years of teaching Spanish as a second language experience!
Due to a large demand for Online Spanish Courses by our clients, and the decreased interest for physical courses and closing down of many facilities in the small town, the Spanish Language School of La Herradura has closed the doors of the physical School, and opened a brand new complete Online School! The massive changes in education, and the demand to learn Spanish from any location in the world, has made us aware that it was necessary to go in a different direction with our company.

We are very proud that we have succeeded to develop a complete virtual platform, that allows us to continue our quality and personal way of teaching, and to offer our programs also to the people that do not have the opportunity to travel to Spain. We have guided many families in the past, and we are very happy to be able to offer our services now also to adults and children from any place in the world where there is access to internet.

This site will be completely updated very soon, with programs, prices and other services, such as offering Internships in Malaga, and helping our clients find good alternative Spanish Language Schools in South Spain. Keep checking-in for updated information. For any questions contact us: info@spanish-school-herradura.com We love to hear from you!Array

Also offering trips, excusions and activities in the South of Spain and neighbouring Morocco.Array

Mes compétences :


Pas d'entreprise renseignée


  • Spanish Language School La Herradura (La Herradura)

    La Herradura 1996 - maintenant


Annuaire des membres :