
Stéphane ALIX


En résumé

Mes compétences :


  • Spinfi - CEO

    2019 - maintenant Spinfi is a player in the digital transition and corporate innovation.
    Spinfi was founded in 2019 following the needs expressed by our customers wishing to accelerate their transformation program through academic and rapid execution of some of their projects.

    Our approach :
    Spinfi Academy to ensure a transition by the academic. Our trainings are delivered by experts with a double hat: academic and professional. "Learning by doing": we combine training and project support to ensure the rise in skills of our customers.
    Spinfi Execution, to accompany our customers in the realization of their Data projects.
    Spinfi Ecosystem, to build with our customers their ecosystem within the framework of their corporate innovation.
  • BM&A - Director

    2016 - 2018 BM&A is a French independent consulting and audit founded over 40 years ago which provides in-depth knowledge and expertise to companies’ management, private equity funds, financial institutions and lawyers.
    BM&A is member of AGN International, an international network of 185 independent audit and consulting firms covering 80 countries.

    Creation of the bank division by transfer a business unit of HCG. After having given autonomy to this division, several missions in finance transformation and in charge of business development.

    Thanks our experiences in digital, data and financial engineering we offer a very practical implementation tools dedicated to Digital CFO, Digital M&A and Digital PE.
    With a former CEO in data & tech we create a new business line, data science4business which lead to the birth of Spinfi.

    This experience was enriched on daily basis thanks operational implementation (our clients) and with the academic world (research, hackathon, ...).
    MSc support and organisation hackathons for ESCP Eruope, MSc Big Data & Business Analytics
  • Haussmann Consulting Group - CEO

    PARIS 2013 - 2016 Haussmann Consulting Group was a consulting firm to help our clients shape financial services aspects. The firm was driven by three fundamentals Excellence, Commitment and Entrepreneurship.
    HCG worked mainly with major banking players providing solutions on topics related to:
    . The implementation of regulatory projects (finance / risk)
    . Change management
    . Regulatory financial and prudential information projects

    Poject Development : Using Machine Learning for discovering risk patterns in Finance. Within a team composed of Mathematicians, Accounters and Financial Analysts, we did a risk-scoring prototype along with a model for default prediction on listed French and non listed Belgian small caps.
  • Fidanza Expertise Conseil - Director

    Paris 2011 - 2012 . Project management of the Financial Department
    . Transition Manager
    . Contractual financial audit
  • Bellot Mullenbach & Associés - Manager

    2007 - 2011 . Accounting and financial audits (Blue Chips, Midcaps, SMEs, etc.)
    . Corporate finance
    . Advice and training
    . Project management
  • Audit Saint Honoré - Senior

    2000 - 2006 . Legal audit of French SMEs or companies referred
    . Project management
    . Accounting


Pas de formation renseignée


Annuaire des membres :