- PMP, Project Director
2011 - maintenant
Help to answer to the calls for tenders in various sectors (Bank, European institutions)+ follow trainings about the management of virtual teams (off-shore) with multiculturals aspects, etc.
- Project Manager / Senior Consultant
2010 - 2011
Management of various EAHC projects (Executive Agency for Health and Consumers): internal and external projects;During this mission, I:• Wrote all documents (studies, minutes of meeting, etc.) in english. Meetings were in english or french.• Organised meeting (business, technical) with video-conference, wrote minutes of meeting, etc.• Wrote the functional studies (use cases + UML diagrams),• Created schedule plans, • Followed the internal development (ColdFusion, SharePoint),• Followed the deliverable external,• Wrote test cases, did the tests and asked to correct bugs with JTrac tool (sort of JIRA) ;• Followed-up of testing and deployment in production environment;• Did the validation by key users, • Followed-up of requests for change,• Proposed various KPI and created Business Objects (B.O.) reports;• Helped for the migration of internet multilingual website (give advice for new contract);• Helped for the redesign of the intranet website (SharePoint solution);To manage the internal IT Team (6 persons) of various external societies, I put in place the JIRA tool: create various projects (issues, views, dashboards, etc.), give trainings for IT team, create automatic generation of timesheets, create various B.O. reports (and proposed also various KPIs) to do the follow-up (time spent, time remaining) and propose an automatic comparison with the EAHC Master Plan for 2011 (portfolio).
European Parliament
- Project Manager & Director
2000 - 2010
Create and deliver an intranet & internet solutions to manage all external translations of the European ParliamentDuring this mission, I:• Did the Key users interviews,• Wrote various expressions of needs,• Created & proposed various mock-ups (HTML, Javascript),• Wrote functional studies with UML diagrams and use cases,• Wrote impact/feasibility studies,• Wrote test cases,• Elaborated and followed schedule plans,• Developed few parts (at the begininng of the project: JAVA, JSP, SQL, Hibernate, ...),• Put & Particpated to the CAB (Change Advisory Board),• Managed the deployment of deliverables in acceptance, test, training and production environments,• Elaborated and followed schedule plans,• Organized steering committees, workshops and wrote the minutes of meeting,• Performed cross-testing (technical) and followed-up tests done by the IT team,• Helped to write various documentation for end users (user guide, help on line, ...),• Gave end users trainings,• Put in place the Third Party Maintenance,• Managed of incidents, requests for change, etc. via Jira application,• Organised the knowledge transfer• Managed an IT Team: 6 analysts/developers,• Managed 8 applications.I did also few presentation of various modules to various services of European Parliament and also for the court of justice.This project has been done in 5 steps:• Step I: Management of translation requests,• Step II: Financial part,• Step III: Statistic part,• Step IV: Contrat part + enlargement of new countries• Step V: Integration with others applications (communication with web services &t JMS)For the IT Team, I gave them the possibilities (with my supervision) for example to:• write some functional & technical studies,• prepare and also propose solutions to the key users,• test what the collegue has developed (and vice-versa),• organize some meetings with key users and write the minutes of meeting
BT Syntegra
- Project Manager
1999 - 2000
• Manage projects in Financial & Pharmaceutical (in english) sectors: Internet, intranet & extranet applications,• Manage IT teams: 2-3 persons,• Develop also in HTML, Javascript, PL / SQL (Ingres), ASP.
- Project Manager
1996 - 1999
• Create various applications for clients in Private (Assurance) and Public sectors,• Manage IT teams: 2-3 persons,• Develop Internet / Intranet / Extranet solutions with Lotus Notes - Domino, Javascript & HTML