


En résumé

Internet Entrepreneur , Start Up catalyst , Adviser, Venture Capitalist, Joint Venture

Internet BtC , Ecommerce, Financial Services, Software


  • Waiheke - Pdg

    2011 - maintenant Waiheke is the first APPCUBATOR in Europe We developp and launch great apps.

    Waiheke Investment is a strategic holding with Internet and Mobile expertise established to invest in companies, support their business development and grow shareholder value.

    We invest and grow successful companies in partnership with operating management.

    Our main focus is around the whole Internet ecosystem like
    Internet Payment Platform, MCommerce sites and operations, Financial services, European Clones

    With hands-on operational expertise on several transactions in the private equity marketplace we know how to create, build, and operate major businesses and how to make deals happen.

    Submit Your Idea

    We believe that the next great app idea can come from anywhere or anyone.

    With the Waiheke Appcubator, we've opened up the playing field so that everyone can have a chance to bring their creativity to life and share in the profits.

    If you have an idea for an iPhone, iPad or even Android application, you can submit it directly to the Appcubator for a shot at getting it made. If your concept passes our challenging set of criteria - from originality to functionality - we will design, develop and market your app. You don't have to pay a cent for any part of the process, and we'll share a handsome portion of the profits with you.



Pas de formation renseignée


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