
Sylwia Anna LATA


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Lotus notes


  • ABB - Gestionnaire Approvisionnement et Planification de production

    Cergy 2011 - maintenant Almost 3 years of experience as material and production planner in ABB Entrelec. Very good knowledge of SAP ERP and MS Office, strong analytical skills.

    As material planner I am responsible for planning the supply of components for the production lines (making OA of sales order) from the suppliers in accordance with current needs and to secure stocks and for following up supplier's feedback to confirm the delivery date; planning the supply of components for the production lines. Also for calculate the safety stocks based on LT and CMM, proposals to negotiate the new LT and MOQ, balancing stock value and reduction of stocks value to achieve the annual goal.

    As Production Planner in low voltage product division I am actually responsible for the production of Borniers and Borniers SACE. My daily tasks are: reporting to the board, preparing analyses, cooperating with other departments - sales, logistic, technical, checking the availability of materials and semi-finished products for production orders, creating PO orders according to current customer's needs and in accordance with capacity of the production, assistance for production foreman, confirmation of clients orders - daily contact with sales administration based in ABB France, indicators maintenance - internal TCT and OTD, AOTD, TCTD and SOTD.

    In ABB Entrelec I have took part in many projects (4Q methodology) as the leader of the group such as: reducing of production LT, reducing of COPQ, secure the value of safety stock for supplier's summer closing period, reducing the OTD in the factory and other corrective actions.
  • Michelin - Stagiaire

    FERRAND 2011 - 2011
  • Ballantyne Edwards, UK - Assistante

    2006 - 2007


  • Université De Warmia Et De Mazury Dans Olsztyn (Olsztyn, Pologne)

    Olsztyn, Pologne 2006 - 2011 Economie



Annuaire des membres :