May 12-2010-May 23-2010 : Participation at the 'Shortfilmcorner' at 63' CANNES FESTIVAL
with short film called SEEDS realized in 2009/ shot in India. As Director/Casting/producer
June 02-2007-July 2009 : JËROME DREYFUSS-BAGS / Assistant designer .
Participating in salons as Premiere Class, the box, tranoï in sales.
Dec 16-2006 - March-2007: ANN DEMEULEMEESTER -production department- fashion show and showroom / Womens collection 07/08
Sep-Oct 2006-JEAN CHARLES DE CASTELBAJAC: Fashionshow spring summer collection On accessories realizing (headwears)
March-July 2004-ISABEL MARANT: assisting Womens collection,design and research.
January-Feb 2004-PACO RABANNE: bureau de style/design.
E d u c a t i o n
2005 International Fashion Post-graduate program-Institut Français de la mode,Paris
2003 Degree in fashion design-Studio Berçot-Ecole de stylisme mode,Paris
2002 Diploma in french Language-Université Marc Bloch de langue française,Strasbourg
2001 Degree in Fashion design-MJM graphic design,Strasbourg
1999 Degree in Fashion design-Womens Polytechnic-New Delhi,India
L a n g u a g e s
Tibetan : mother tongue
English : fluent
French : fluent
Hindi : fluent
Mes compétences :