- Canada Cloud Services Architect
2013 - maintenant
Define CGI Cloud services/offerings.
Define SAN and Storage Architecture for Cloud purpose.
Develop solutions through debate and discussion, in our teams and with clients
Coordinate and motivate diverse project teams located in different areas.
Cultivate relationships with clients.
Cultivate relationships with providers.
Ensure complete satisfaction through the realization of business benefits from the project.
Prepare and present material to senior client and internal management
Support RFP responses or proposals,and pursue new client opportunities
Contribute to practice growth and development
- Principal SAN Storage Architect
2013 - 2013
CGI Canada
- Senior SAN Storage Backup Architect
2011 - 2013
Define SAN/Storage/Backup Enterprise architecture strategy.
Produce architectural documents that define, describe and specify solutions for committed projects
-High Level Design for SAN Storage and Backup Infra.
-Low level Design. for SAN Storage and Backup Infra.
Facilitate client meetings and coordinate functional discovery with external and internal stakeholders
Demonstrate services expertise through Proof of Concept.
Work with Client architect to provide quality delivery.
Managing third party providers (HDS,Brocade).
Multi Datacenter topology.
Large scale project (10Millions+)
Hitachi VSP,AMS
Hitachi Shadow image
Hitachi Universal Replication
Hitachi Ture Copy
Hitachi Dynamic Provisioning HDP (thin prov)
Hitachi Tiered Pool (tiering) HDTP
EMC VMAX, Clariion, Data Domain, Networker
EMC Business continuity
EMC Mirrorview S / AS
EMC SRDF / Timefinder / Solutions Enabler
EMC Fast (Sym & CX)
Brocade 48K, DCX, DCX-4S, 7800 Routing/ FCIP.
Oracle RAC ASM...
Commvault/ TSM / Netbackup.
Bull France
- Architecte/Consultant SAN Stockage Sauvegarde
2008 - 2010
Architecture,Design et implementation de solutions de Stockage et Sauvegarde
Maroc Wana Telecom:
- Audit de performance SAN et Stockage.
Gouvernement Tunisien:
- Audit
- Mise en place DR (3 sites)du systeme d'information avec EMC Recoverpoint, Clariion
Banque Chypre:
- Audit
- Mise en place DR (2 sites)du systeme d'information avec EMC Recoverpoint, Clariion
Ministere de finances et comptes publiques:
- Design stockage et sauvegarde pour base HRA de 50To (World biggest reference) pour l'Operateur National de Paie (paie des fonctionnaires).
-Livrables:Document de Conception Detaillee et Document de Conception Generale.
-Mise en place plateforme projet (QA,recette,dev)
- Env.: Recoverpoint,Clariion 4-480, Networker,Oracle RAC ASM,FCIP,SL500,VTL5200.
Commission européenne on behalf of Comparex Luxembourg
- Senior SAN storage Backup consultant
2008 - 2009
Management,Design et Capacity planning SAN.
Management,Capacity planning BACKUP.
Management des Baies HDS,EMC,Netapp.
Backup and Storage Sharepoint Portal Designer.
Gestion des Backups Exchange (TEIM);
Connaissance de NMM pour MOSS.
Project Management:
T10SL8500: T10K dans le silo SUN SL8500 (coordination et implementation)
WINDHOF: San Extension pour le nouveau datacenter (design)
UPGRT25: Extension du Backbone Reseau,(analyse impact et coordination)
DMXTIER: Tiering des baies DMX3 et upgrade (analyse,coordination)
SANIP: FCIP over IP (design)
BKPBECH2WIND: déplacement de l'environnement de backup virtuel au site de
Windhof (planning,coordination,implementation)
EASREEG: Architecture poue le remplacement de l'Archivage Mail.
SAN Env.: CISCO MDS (80 Switches,Core MDS9513 9505),Brocade (150+ switches, Core 48K) , 1500+ ports
Storage Env.: EMC DMX 3/4(srdf,bcv...) ,HDS (Lightning:Tagmastore:USPV:AMSK),Clariion
CX3-80,Netapp FAS.
Backup Env.: Emc Legato Networker (5 datazones),SL8500,ACLS,EMC clari-
ion Disk Library DL4400
Crédit Agricole GIE Ex@
- Consultant IT
2006 - 2008
SAN,Backup Specialist
Identify storage and backup infrastructure requirements for the new 2 Datacen tres.
Work with key stakeholders (EMC , IBM) to provide a Global SAN and Backup Architecture.
Oversees the delivery, build and installation of all hardware within the datacentre.
SAN Environment: ECC 6.1,EMC DMX 4500/3500,CISCO MDS 9513,Emc NS84G
Backup Environment: Emc Legato Networker,Time Navigator 3.7,EDL and IScalar 2000
Consolidation, Virtualization and System Specialist
Assist in the design of the virtualization infrastructure under Vmware VI3 ESX 3.5
Consolidate multiple functional projects.
Ensure Business Continuity Process (High Availibility and Disaster Recovery)
Deliver Production,QA environment.
Provide third level support.
VMWARE Environment: Vmware VI3,ESX 3.5,VDI,VCB.
Software Specialist
Optimization and tuning of Java application and application servers.
Provide training course
Provide third level support.
Environment :Websphere 5 .0,Tomcat ,Eclipse Europa,JSF, Struts ,Hibernate, SVN.
France Télécom
- Architecte Technique
2006 - 2006
Assist in the design of the technical infrastructure and ensure that the technologies selected comply with Group policies
Oversee the entire architecture of group project and recommend areas of improvement
Design infrastructure solution to meet demanding non-functional requirements
Deal with clients to collect requirements
Crédit Agricole GIE Ex@ on behalf of LogicaCMG France
- Consultant IT
2003 - 2006
SAN Building,Management and Administration:
EMC Clariion,Celerra ,Symmetrix,DMX2000,DMX3500
ECC,Cisco MDS9315 (VSAN,zoning...)
Business Continuity Process.
3rd line support
Backup Infrastructure Management:
Time Navigator 4.1,Legato Networker 7.4
3rd line support
Active directory Windows deployment, configuration, monitoring, troubleshooting, documentation and support.
30 domains, firewall.12000 Computers,1500 servers
3rd line support
OS Scripting: wsh,perl
Windows Server and workstation Installation Automation Development :
- used to build the whole computers asset management including banking applications.
Assist in the design of the software infrastructure:
IIS,Tomcat,Websphere (3,5 to 4.0.6),Eclipse (europa),NetBeans 6.1,Subversion.
3rd line support. and applications troubleshooting.
Amadeus on behalf of AddX Technologies
- Ingénieur Développement
2001 - 2001
Developpement du logiciel APCARS (Amadeus Plans Consolidation And Re-
porting System)
Migration de donnees des systeme de gestion de projets vers MS Project.
Environnement: MS Sharepoint,MS Project, SQL Server 6,DTS,VB6.0.
Arcelor on behalf of LogicaCMG France
- Java Team Leader
2001 - 2003
EPC V2 development:
- Business intelligence system aiming to reduct metal industry costs.
- environnement:
- Webshpere Application Developper (Eclipse 1.0),Websphere Server 3
- Struts 1, Cocoon.
Java process industrialisation:
- enterprise framework building.
- benchmarking Hibernate ,Castor,Torque
Techlink SA
- Ingénieur Développement
2000 - 2001
Java Team Leader Nov00 - Feb01
Design et developpement du produit "DocLink" Enterprise Content Management
Gestion d'equipe (8 personnes).
Livraisons de specications techniques.
Environnement: Linux, Caucho Resin, Apache,JBuilder,CVS
Developpeur at Kast Telecom Europe Jul00 - Nov00
Developpement du system du nouveau systeme de facturation 'SGWEB2000'.
Migration et fusion de donnees internationales.
Benchmark et reporting post-bascule.
Environnement: Linux, Php,Perl, Apache,CVS
Mediterranée Productions
- Chef de projet informatique
2000 - 2000
Mise en place de l'informatique distribuee Windows
Mise en place des serveurs DNS,Internet et de l'environnement de developpement.
Developpement du systeme de facturation Video.
Providers management.
Environnement: Linux, Java, Apache,SSL,CVS.
- Webmaster Technique
1999 - 1999
Installation,Deploiement et Maintenance du site 'Businessangels.com'.
Environnement: Linux, PHP,Zend, Apache,SSL,CVS.