- Directeur d'usine
2010 - 2013
*As plant manager, lead the 2 year structural and managerial transformation of the Champ-sur-Drac facility to surpass its 2012 objectives in nearly every single key metric of safety, customer service, cost reduction, capital investiment discipline, and employee motivation.
*Strong focus on people delvelopment that has lead to the promotion several team members withing thier respective careers.
*Over a period of 2 years, negociated with my HR partners five major work contract agreements with the local French unions (including 3 salary increases, 1 work-time schedule, 1 employee profit sharing program).
*During tenure, attracted several million euros of investment to the site with all major projects being completed on time and on budget with expected savings achieved. Delievered significant reduction in operating expenses over 3 years.