
Tsewele JOHN


En résumé

John Tsewele est discipliné, apte, et de forte personalité avec plus de 10 ans d'expériences professionnelles. j'éxerce dans le domaine de gestion de crédits, suivi -evaluation et reporting des projets (coordination). je suis comfortable en millieu rural et urbain, opérant fort en Francais et en Anglais avec de bons comportements relationels. Agé de 43 ans, j'ai de connaissances diverses en agriculture, environement, microfinance, R/H, administration etc.
Mes formations diverses me qualifient de maitre: Master en Agroforesterie, Master sans thèse en anthropologie de developpement, Technicien supérieur en developpement communautaire (spécialiste en gestion de crédit et l'encardrement des groupes sociaux divers).

Mes compétences :
Project planning, management and evaluation
timely management skills
monitoring, evaluation and recovery of funds
community development
Technical Assistance
Rural Development
Good communication and reporting skills
Conflict management, translator
microfinance, credits and risk capital investment
agricultural value chains and natural capital
Sustainable development
Responsible sourcing
Internet skills, micro soft words
Need assessment and community mobilisation


  • Kafinvest - Chef de division produits specifiques

    2008 - maintenant
  • Kafinvest sa - Head of Division specific products

    2008 - maintenant Locality: SOCAPALM ESEKA, Cost of project FCFA 1.4 Billions
    Partners: DEG, Afriland First Bank, SOCAPALM, MC2, Palm farmers'
    Duties include;
    Monitoring , evaluation and reporting on project activities,
    Organisation and Training of farmers in book keeping and management,
    Organisation of farmers groups (Coop, CIGs, Associations ) etc,
    Programming, Supervisory and advisory services as regards farms management(preparation for planting, clearing, harvesting and nuts collection, coding and delivery services ) etc,
    Advisory services on recruitment in different positions in the farms
    (Guards, head man, over seer, field assistant) etc
    Preparation of farmers monthly statements etc
    Controlling bank statement and doing reconciliation for effective reporting
    Follow-up and recovery of Afriland First Bank loan in the project.

    2005 - 2008 Duties included:
    - Member of Micro Trust Fund Investment Committee (secretary)
    Designing and financing projects for partners and or clients
    Management of delinquent loans 30-60-90-120 (forceful recovery) etc.
    Negotiations, disbursement and drafting of loan conventions with clients,
    Preparing bank reconciliation statements and doing internal control
    Responsible for the risk capital investment division
    Responsible for reporting on CORDAID loan portfolio
  • Kafinvest sa - Investment officer

    2002 - 2005 Duties included:
    - Identification, designing and financing of micros projects
    - Financing and reporting on the activities of MC2/MUFFA in the network
    - Counselling and Training of partners ;
    - Drafting investment contracts or conventions with partners ;
    - Loans/Credits disbursement and recovery ;
    - Responsible for out station investments (partners out of Yaounde) ;
    - Monitoring and evaluation of partner's activities ;
    - Preparing budget and income statements for micro entrepreneurs (partners) ;
    - Translator (English/French and vice versa)
  • Micro Trust Fund GIE - CHARGE D'AFFAIRES

    2000 - 2002 Duties included:
    - prospecting and identifying potential partners for investment ;
    - monitoring of partners activities and loan recovery. ;
    - Preparation of income statements and balance sheets for partners
    - Reporting (preparing term, semester and annual reports)
    - Training of partners in Book keeping (basic accounting principles)
    - Establishing reimbursement schedule and contracts for partners
    - Translator (English/French and vice versa) ;
    - Technical Assistance for studies (constructing and analysing field data)

    2014 Paidwa, Certificate in Project planning, management and evaluation Course at Pan African institute for Development Yaounde.
    2012 Certificate of participation at a seminar on environmental impact assessment organised at the UYDE I.
    2011 SACREC Sarl, Certificate as facilitator in a seminar on effective credit/asset management KRIBI.
    2007 AGRO-PME Certificate in Project planning, management and monitoring
    2005 AGRO-PME Certificate in the Diagnoses and Restructuring of enterprises
    2000 ADAF Certificate in Credit management, Accountancy and Computer operations


  • Université De Yaoundé I (Yaoundé)

    Yaoundé 2010 - 2013 Master

    Thesis; ``Knowledge and Adoption of Agroforestry techniques by farmers around
    the MESSONDO Council Forest''
  • Université De Yaoundé I (Yaoundé)

    Yaoundé 2008 - 2009 Master I

  • University Of Yaounde I (Yaoundé)

    Yaoundé 2005 - 2008 Bachelors Degree

    UYDE I - Bachelor Degree in Social Sciences issues (General Anthropology)
  • CDSTS KUMBA (Kumba)

    Kumba 1997 - 1999 Tech. Sup. en developpement Communautaire

    The impact of NIS 'natioanl investment and savings) to the socioeconomic welfare of the kumba peoples


Annuaire des membres :