My personal website :
Since September 2013 – SETEC, Terrasol Company, 42 quai de la Rapée 75583 Paris Cedex 12, Project Manager, Team Leader
November 2010 – September 2013 PINTO Consulting & Construction, 48 rue Jules Verne 35300 Fougères, FRANCE, Vice-director of engineering department and director of research department
October 2006 – November 2010 PINTO, Consulting & Construction, 48 rue Jules Verne 35300 Fougères, FRANCE, Project engineer, Active member of the national research project ASIRI, conception and validation of French Standards on soil improvement methods, edition committee.
January 2003 - January 2004, YUKSEL Construction – Site engineer, Istanbul Kabatas Finucular urban underground project
April 2002 - December 2002, CEKA Construction – Site engineer, Black sea region 500 km highway construction project
October 2006 – November 2010
Doctorate, PhD in Civil Engineering
INSA LYON, National Institute for Applied Sciences Lyon, FRANCE
Thesis’ title : Experimental and numerical analysis of load transfer mechanisms in rigid inclusion reinforced structures with earth platform: Static and dynamic conditions
September 2003 – September 2005
Master of Science in Civil Engineering
Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, TURKEY & Ecole Centrale Nantes, FRANCE
Thesis’ title : Numerical modelling in geotechnical enginnering
September 1999 – June 2003
Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering (Main degree)
Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, TURKEY
Civil Engineering Faculty, Department of Civil Engineering
September 2001 – July 2004
Bachelor’s degree in Geological Engineering (Double degree)
Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, TURKEY
Mining Engineering Faculty, Department of Geological Engineering
September 1998 – June 1999
Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, TURKEY
Foreign Languages Faculty, Intensive English preparation for University
Project Manager & Team Leader
September 2013 – Present (2 years 2 months)Paris
Umur Salih Okyay has studied in the Civil Engineering department of Istanbul Technical University. In the meantime, he also graduated from the Geological Engineering department of the same university with double degree. He achieved a Master of Science study in France at Ecole Centrale Nantes and attained a PhD Degree in France. Umur Salih Okyay carried out his doctoral thesis in collaboration with INSA Lyon, LCPC Nantes and PINTO Construction and Consulting Company. During his thesis, he has realized numerous centrifugal tests, in-situ measurements, numerical and analytical studies in the area of static and dynamic soil-structure interaction. His doctoral study guided the national research project ASIRI which aimed to develop recommendations for the design of rigid inclusions. His studies have been published in a number of peer-reviewed publications and presented at different international conferences.
Civil engineer, Geotechnical Engineer and Geological Engineer with engineering geology background more than 10 years experience in the field of structural engineering and geotechnics his engineering consulting activities were mainly in Geotechnical Analysis for some major tunnel projects in Turkey and abroad during the early period of his practice. As Senior Principal in Charge of all Pinto civil and geotechnical engineering projects, Mr. Okyay’s responsibilities range from investigation, analysis and product review to final design participation and project management for large projects. Currently, he is working in SETEC Company in Paris.
Besides his activities at the company, he gives lecture courses and conferences in Universities and engineering schools. He believes that the academic knowledge should be engaged with engineering practice.He is involved in the following organizations for educational purpose:
Ecole Centrale de Nantes
INSA de Rennes
École Nationale Supérieure de Géologie de Nancy
Mes compétences :
Béton armé
Dynamique des structures
Modélisation 3d
Génie civil