


En résumé

I have a Computer Science Engineering Degree from Supinfo International University Paris, France. Following my graduation and along with my entrepreneurship experience at FretBay, I used to be a certified trainer (lecturer) at Supinfo International University (France).
I taught bachelors and masters' students management skills and JAVA technology.

During my tenure, I conceived, designed and developed all the FretBay.com website's
architectural structure on my own from scratch, including ergonomic design.
My strong knowledge of technical IT environment and my ability to anticipate upcoming trends
in new technologies made FretBay the leading transport marketplace in France.

Previously to my FretBay experience, I successfully achieved targets in challenging projects like for SigrenEa as Project Manager on a different business environment, namely a technology developed for optimization of recycling bin containers.

This company later raised one million euros funding from Suez Environment based on the developed technology. I established an upgrade-able source code structure, design and ergonomy that helped SigrenEa raising up to one million euros of funding from Suez Environment (listed company, Paris Stock Exchange).

I am proficient in English, French and Hindi and have a demonstrated solid track-record proving my strong skills in leading complex technical projects and managing multicultural teams in challenging environments, to achieve my goals and delivering in a timely manner.

Mes compétences :


  • SUPINFO - International University - Professor JAVA - SCT

    2008 - 2009 SCT (Supinfo Certified Trainer) of SUN Technologies.
    Give lectures to Bachelors 2 to Masters 1 students.

    In charge of all courses of JAVA in SUPINFO.
    My goals for 2009 - 2010 are to make the courses in a way that the students of Bachelor 2 could pass the SCJP (Sun Certified Java Programmer) after having followed SUPINFO Bachelor 2 courses.

    Concerning Bachelor 3 and Master 1 i'll try to bring new courses like JavaFX (Bachelor 3) and Hybernate or Spring (Master 1).

    Finally all the courses will be reviewed and my main aim is to increase the quality of all courses already present.

    As a professor JAVA in SUPINFO i usually travel in France and now I am planning to move abroad for the upcoming year to give lectures in SUPINFO China or SUPINFO Maroc.
  • Nelmi Informatique - Analyst programer

    2007 - 2007 Developped a PDA application for a wine company. The application was developped in 3 months. Did the analysis, developement and GUI of the application.
  • SMECO - Manager & InCharge of Sales Development

    2007 - 2007 In charge of 9 employees, brief and debrief sequences during marketing and sales campaign.
    Presentations to promote SMECO's products was a daily basis work.
    All goals were reached.
  • Fretbay - Chief Technical Officer

    Créteil 2007 - maintenant Le transport à votre façon!
    La plateforme FretBay.com a pour vocation de faciliter l'accès à des services de livraison en mettant en relation les particuliers avec les sociétés de transport afin de conclure une prestation de livraison en toute confiance, de manière sécurisée et au meilleur prix.
    FretBay.com simplifie et accélère la démarche souvent pénible de déménagement, d'envoi ponctuel de tout colis et particulièrement tout bien et objet lourd, encombrant ou volumineux en apportant une solution économique et écologique.

  • Centre-Net - Programer

    2006 - 2006 Graphic designer and webmaster. Worked on various projects.
    Developped a CMS for the management of all their clients and domain names.
  • Clarilog - Graphic designer

    2005 - 2005 Re designed all their website and implemented it on the web.
  • Clarilog - Infographiste

    2004 - 2004 Designed the user manual of Clarilog software.


  • Ecole Supérieure D'Informatique De Paris (ESI - SUPINFO) (Paris)

    Paris 2009 - 2010 JAVA specialization
  • Ecole Supérieure D'Informatique De Paris (ESI - SUPINFO) (Paris)

    Paris 2008 - 2009 SUPINFO Certified Trainer
  • Ecole Supérieure D'Informatique De Paris (ESI - SUPINFO) (Paris)

    Paris 2007 - 2008 Member of SUPINFO SUN Labo
  • Lycée Benjamin Franklin (Orleans)

    Orleans 2004 - 2007 Informatique et gestion


Annuaire des membres :