
Viet Tran Tran NGUYEN

Roissy CDG Cedex

En résumé

Recently graduated with two second years master degrees in Quality and in Logistics, I am seeking for new opportunities related to Supply Chain Management (related to Events and Communication or Project Management)

International Mobility – From April 2018

Please feel free to contact me via my mail: viettrantran.nguyen@outlook.com (Skype id / Viadeo / LinkedIn)
You can also have my detail information on my website: https://viettrantrannguyen.wixsite.com/trannguyen

Thank you for reaching out my profile.

Mes compétences :
Evènementiel et logistique
Gestion de projet
Design graphique
Management de la qualité


  • Hub One - Quality Assistant

    Roissy CDG Cedex 2015 - 2017 Second Year:
    Prepare for certification ISO 9001:2015 (focus on measurement and continual improvement)
    Process change management for information security across the organization.

    First Year:
    Setting up the certification system according to ISO 9001: 2008
    Promoting Quality policy, performance and improvement across the organization.


  • RENNES 1

    Rennes 2017 - maintenant Achat – Gestion de Production – Prévision des besoins – Green Logistics
  • Université Paris Est Marne La Vallée

    Marne La Vallee 2015 - 2017 Normalisation - Accreditation - Certification - Customer focus
    ISO 9001 | 14001 | 22000 | 50001 | 31000, OHSAS 18001
    Audit - KPI - Intelligence Economique - EFQM - Quality Tools
    Quality Management System - Risk Management - Project Management
    Business Process Management - Re-engenerring - Benchmarking
  • Panthéon Sorbonne

    Paris 2012 - 2015 Economics theory (Micro - Macro) - History of Economics
    Financial Analysis - Statistics


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