1. Area Sales Manager
Period: January 2003 - …
Area: Germany, Scandinavian countries, former Eastern Europe countries, Russia, Ukrainia, South Africa, North Africa, Israel, Lebanon, Syria.
Job responsibilities:
• Developing sales and good relations with the company’s very first customer in Sweden (since January 2006)
• Starting sales into the “industrial sector” in Germany(since September 2005)
• Developing sales and the company’s presence on the Area
• Building and maintaining appropriate and effective customer relationship
• Providing market analysis and reports
• Enhancing the company’s image as a preferred supplier
• Negotiating contracts, developing new customers and markets
• Organising seminars in those areas
Sales per year in the Area: over 4.000.000€
2. Creation of BEMA, a multimedia and event company
Period: June 2001 – December 2002
Activity: The Bema company has two major fields : multimedia (web sites, web design, hosting,...) and events (teambuilding and incentives)
Job responsibilities: (as a business creator, my tasks are varied)
• Contacting suppliers and clients
• Negotiating, contracting, following up purchase and sell orders
• Providing forecasts, reports and budgets to the investors
• Developing the event sector by visiting seminar centers, participating at trade fairs…
• Establishing the price policy
• …
3. Assistant Manager for the Ziegler Group, a logistic services and transport company
Period: August 2000 – June 2001
Job responsibilities:
• Providing financial accounting and reporting service to the Manager
• Establishing the price policy for international transports
• Assisting the Manager in the everyday activity
4. Consultant for the « Saint Francis College Small Business Development Center », USA
Period: January 2000 – July 2000
Job responsibilities:
• Consulting and advising SME’s willing to export in Europe
• Offering technical assistance to those businesses (cash flow calculation, market research, etc…)
• Put into contact American companies with European ones
• Participating in different seminars (Europe business culture, exportation, electronic tools, e-commerce, international finance, etc…)
5. Fund Accountant for Fastnet Luxembourg S.A. ,
Period: September 1998 – January 2000
Job responsibilities:
• Calculation of the Net Asset Value of different kinds of funds (Equities, Bonds, Treasury Bills, Future Contracts, Options, Emerging countries,…)
• Manager of the Future contracts area
6. Internship at the Belgian Embassy (Walloon Export Agency) in Slovakia
Period: September 1996 – October 1996
Job responsibilities:
• Analysing the Slovak market for a Belgian company to export
• Developing a market penetration strategy for a Belgian company (meeting Slovak managers, Belgian Representatives in Slovakia, finding business opportunities,...)
• Discovering the post communist economy
Mes compétences :
Pas d'entreprise renseignée
Pas de formation renseignée