


En résumé

A dynamic, fast learning and hard-working young individual with extensive risk management and statistics skills.
Customer-focused, I gained aso good aeronautical business and Safety Management understanding.


  • Airbus Helicopters - Enterprise Risk Manager

    Blagnac 2013 - 2015 Guarantee a sustainable risk & opportunity management process in the full area of the company.

    - Support to programs, functions (Aviation Safety, Strategy & Marketing, Engineering) by driving homogeneity, consistency and continuous improvement;
    - Building excellent relationship ( support) based on a win-win solution with Airbus Helicopters Risk Managers Network
    - Coordinating Programs and Lead functions to improve risk processes performance
    - Risk Management IT tool expert & administrator, support to all users
    - Quarterly: Collect, consolidate, report and analyze Top risks and opportunities at Enterprise level ( to Airbus Helicopters C.E.O and EXCOM, Airbus Group CEO )
    - Responsible for Risk management training on both sites ( Germany & France )
    - Organization of Risk Management Forums ( Germany & France )
    - Project Management: Corporate Safety Management System implementation.
  • Astrium -  Project risk manager

    Blagnac 2012 - maintenant Internship in Project Risk Management, on Astrium TBN Project, AstriumST, aquitaine.
    Internship Mentor: Jean-Philippe Dutheil, Chief engineer and Rocket propulsion system Manager.
    My mission:
    Set up of Risk management process on Rocket Propulsion system : Identification of risk-Estimation of risk-Evaluation of risk-Mitigation & Treatment of Risk-Control of mitigation-Capitalization and memorisation of Risk.
    Interviews with experts in different Astrium sites (Aquitaine, Les mureaux, Bremen).
    Creation of formalization and indicators followup tools for the Risk evolution monitoring in order to provide reports on project performance against Risks & Opportunities.
    This mission was led in collaboration with Astrium TBN Project Management Office for the cost/planning data.


  • ISFA, Université Lyon 1 (Lyon)

    Lyon 2010 - 2011
  • ISFA

    Lyon 2010 - 2012 gestion des risques



Annuaire des membres :