


En résumé

• 12 years of professional research experience with specialization in genetics, molecular biology and biochemistry, demonstrated ability to conduct independent research with excellent analytical skills.

• Highly creative and productive, competent and confident, contributed to the research and development field with every project have been involved in with an intellectual ability to identify, analyze and solve problems.

• Able to develop novel molecular, biochemical and other analytical/quantitative assays and technologies, experienced in training others.

• Strong responsible and reliable, largely self-directed, able to work both independently and as a team member.

Mes compétences :
Biologie moléculaire


  • Dept. MBB, Nelson Biol. Labs, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ, USA - Senior Research Associate & Laboratory Manager

    2011 - 2014
  • Dept. Pharmacology, RWJMS, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ, USA - Research Associate

    2009 - 2011
  • CellXplore Inc., New Brunswick, NJ, USA - Research's associate

    2008 - 2011
  • Dept. Virology, RWJMS, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ, USA - Research Associate (volunteer)

    2007 - 2007 • Performed bibliographical studies and in silico analysis of flaviviruses non-structural proteins which helped to build up experimental projects and write grants.
  • Euroimmun France, Bussy Saint Martin, France - IVD & Automation Sales Executive,

    2005 - 2007 • Increased implantation of the company within my area of action (laboratories, hospital and university hospital) by selling IVD and automation solutions to the customer which helped Euroimmun products to capture a leading position in the world.

    • Trained customers to get accurate readings and interpretations of indirect immunofluorescence tests for autoimmune diseases which leaded biologists to provide better diagnostics and Euroimmun France considered as a reference laboratory.

    • Participated to professional exhibition in Paris (Journées Internationales de Biologie) by showing knowledge and skills associated to high quality products which increased the visibility of Euroimmun France within an highly competitive environment.
  • IJM, UMR 7592 (CNRS-ParisVII), Paris, France - Research Associate

    2002 - 2005 • Operated an Arabidopsis thaliana cell transfection platform for the laboratory by maintaining fresh cell suspension cultures, preparing competent protoplasts and finally by handling their transformation, harvest and storage which allowed the laboratory and myself to get material for analysis (western-blot, northern-blot, immunofluorescence, electron microscopy, enzymatic studies) and produced data for publications.

    • Maintained stocks of plants (A. thaliana, Chinese cabbage) which were infected by Turnip yellow mosaic virus (TYMV), giving material to study in vivo viral replication complexes and mechanisms regulating viral RNA polymerase stability.

    • Developed a molecular tool (UPR based method) allowing in vivo studies of viral protein stability which leaded to a better understanding of in vivo stability of the TYMV RNA-dependant RNA polymerase.

    • Developed a stable TYMV infection system in Arabidopsis cell culture which provided a useful tool to further elucidate host factors involved in TYMV replication.
  • Euralis Génétique, Mondonville, France - Assistant Research Scientist

    2002 - 2002 • Performed and analyzed RAPD based experiments from Brassica napus in order to identify polymorphism which was used by the department to generate a functional genetic map.

    • Generated DNA sequences from 40 different genes of interest of 200 Zea mays varieties to identify SNP and create a functional genetic map which have been integrated into a post-genomic project between several seed companies.
  • Imperial Tobacco, Bergerac, France - Assistant Research Scientist

    2001 - 2001 • Validated protocols and organized equipments in order to create a genotyping laboratory which was used to characterize a first year disconnected descendants of tobacco plants.

    • Written procedures and protocols according to QA standard, trained one technician to operate the laboratory following these guidelines which resulted in having reproducible results and an operating laboratory.

    • Presented results from 2000 tobacco samples using 5 different biomarkers which helped the department of genetics to select candidates according to their objectives.
  • Imperial Tobacco, Bergerac, France - Research intern

    2001 - 2001 • Development of site-directed mutagenesis on tobacco protoplasts.
  • LRSV, UMR4456 (CNRS-UPS), Toulouse, France - Research Intern

    2000 - 2000 • Genetic characterization and transformation of Eucalyptus species.
  • INP ENSAT, Toulouse, France - Research Intern

    1997 - 1997 • Biochemical and enzymatic characterization of transgenic melons.



Annuaire des membres :