Mes compétences :
Révision Comptable
Impôts et Taxes
Oil & Gas Accounting
Joint Venture Accounting
Deferred taxes
Value Added Tax
Manage the capital assets statement
US Embassy (US Department of State)
2002 - maintenant: US Department of State (US Embassy Libreville) - Budget & Finance Office-
Assist with the budget formulation's process for Gabon & Sao Tomé.
Review the funds committed by the Department of State and insure their compliance with Fiscal regulations.
Ensure that all transactions are entered accurately and in a timely manner in the financial system.
Ensure the reporting and the accounting liaison with to the Global Financial Unit in Charleston (USA).
Support the preparation of the State Department's external audits and assist during the audit as needed.
Determine that all expenditures are properly approved, justified and classified to the appropriate accounts.
Review transactions and budget balances, perform budget analyses and reconciliations.
Report on actual expenditures versus budget and analyze the gap.
Work with the Procurement team closely to ensure supplies are in compliance with the Federal Acquisition Regulations.
Give advices on the improvement of Procurement Internal Control Procedures.
Procurement fraud detection tools (red flags)
Review the FCPA compliance policies
Report and maintain records of time and attendance, pay, benefit, leave, allowances, and tax records.
Coordinate scheduled periodic payments for local staff retirement.
Follow up and reconcile payroll problems with the payment center in Charleston, SC.
Back up of the Financial Specialist
2001 - 2002Re-organize the whole Accounting and Cost Accounting process.
Implementation of Financial Management manual procedures.
Compile and analyze financial information to prepare entries to accounts.
Banking reconciliation.
Reconcile the balance sheet and produce monthly financial closures.
Manage the capital assets statement.
Manage the tax policies with a focus on the VAT refund process.
2001 - 2001Audit mission for pre-privatization of IBL
Auditing all the financial functions of the entity with particular attention to the accounting process and cash management
Review of the billing process
Review of Invoices
Review Assets management
IBL - Groupe Cora Wood ex-Cfg Cotrab
- Chef Comptable
2001 - 2002Organisation comptable et Contrôle Interne
• Vérification des pièces comptables et suivi de leur
• Contrôle des bons de commandes et de leurs livraisons.
• Contrôle des rapprochements bancaires et autres
opérations de trésorerie.
• Ajustement et redressement d’écritures comptables
• Mise à jour des bases de données clients et fournisseurs
• Vérification de la régularité des opérations d’ordre
fiscales Déclaration fiscales (gestion dossier
Remboursement TVA + Impôts/salaires),
Etats financiers mensuels (compte de résultat, Rapport
Liasse fiscale
• Contrôle de la balance générale, Travaux de
retraitements, Tableau de suivi des Immobilisations
• Bilan, Compte de résultat, Soldes intermédiaires de
gestion et états annexes
Cabinet Comptable RAMSES
- Chef de Mission
2000 - 2000Mission D'Audit commandée par le Groupe Cora (Italie)lors de la reprise de la CFG-Cotrab.
Audit comptable de IBL filiale de CFG-Cotrab à Libreville (120 salariés).
Chargé de Réorganiser le Département Comptabilité d'IBL.
Mise en place du Plan Comptable OHADA.
Assiste à l'installation et réalise le paramétrage d'un nouveau logiciel de Comptabilité (SAGE-SAARI).
Chargé de la mise en place et du suivi de la Comptabilité Analytique.
LEADERSHIP MANAGEMENT SCHOOL Of US Foreign Service Institute (Dakar)
Dakar2016 - 2016Foreign Service National Supervisory Skills
• Supervisory Skills
• Planning and Performance Management Cycle
• Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
• Customer-Focused Management
• Collaborative Management Initiative (CMI)
• Situational Leadership
• Communication Skills
• Providing Feedback
• Managing Up
• Motivation
• Action Plans