


En résumé


- Web Marketing
- Data Analisis
- Strategies
- Comunication
- Fidelization
- Marketing
- Product and Project Management

Títulos :

- Master Marketing : ISC Paris Business School, Francia
- BA : Universidad del Pacifico, Ecuador
- Licenciatura : Universidad Catolica de Lille, Francia
- Licenciatura : ITESM TEC de Monterrey, México

Email : meunierchaubo.xavier@gmail.com

Mes compétences :
Marketing digital


  • Nissan Motor Co - Digital Marketing Manager

    2015 - maintenant
  • ETAFASHION - Ecuador - Digital Marketing & eCRM Head Leader

    2013 - 2015
  • Nexway - E-CRM Fidelization & Data Analyst Account Manager

    2012 - 2013 - Fidelization programs
    - Datamining
    - Buying behaviours tracking
    - Create, plan and implement online marketing programs in Europe for e-commerce channels, behind brand leaders like Kaspersky, Orange, Carrefour, Microsoft, and others.
    - Develop a customer-centric marketing strategy focused on customer experience and life cicle.
    - Implemented a CRM system in order to partition a database of 4 million contacts and automate campaigns.
    - Target purchasing behavior: loyalty/conversion programs, customer retention/acquisition.
    - Support day-to-day management of automated daily email campaigns.
    - Datamining
    - Run dedicated e-Commerce email programs
    - Select offers, assist European subsidiaries in writing creative briefs, approve mock-ups
    - Track sales and propose necessary changes for better results. Marketing action and performance analisis.
  • Vente-unique.com - Junior Product Manager

    2012 - 2012 - Management of e-marketing actions: e-mailing, banners, special operations.
    - Sales leaflets and photos coordination.
    - Sales analyzes, inventory control and promotional actions for the products turnover.
    - Prices analisis
    - CRM analisis and client fidelization.
  • SPEEDY France - Direct Marketing & E-Business Assistant

    Nanterre 2011 - 2011 E-business and Direct Marketing:

    - Strategic joint venture in order to promote the website and to client capture.
    - Back office of the web shop coordination, stores supply control, trends and Search Engine Marketing (SEM).
    - Satisfaction Management Clients/Stores
    - SEO
  • BURN : Coca Cola Entreprises - Junior Project Manager - Brand Manager

    2010 - 2010 - Management of 30 student representatives in France.
    - Promote brand fame and idendity.
    - Comercial representatives control.
    - Set up events, partnerships, promotion, recruitment.
    - Merchandising logistic and moderator of the social network.
  • LASTMINUTE.COM - Junior Products Manager

    CLICHY 2010 - 2010 - International market research
    - Leaflet creation
    - Benchmarking
    - Loyalty analysis to meet clients’ destination requests.
  • UASC : United Arab Shipping Company - Transports Maritimes Internationaux - Export Import & Marketing Assistant

    2009 - 2009 International Shipping Company, Barcelona.

    - Handling custom inspections
    - Transport with dangerous carriage
    - International marketing studies for the firm partners.
  • FONCIA - Rent and Sell Negotiator.

    Antony 2008 - 2008 - Fulfill clients’ needs, visit and price negotiation, website and leaflet design,
    - Financial Consultant: simulation of loans.
  • BANQUE DES ANTILLES FRANÇAISES : Groupe Caisse d Epargne - Account Manager

    2007 - 2007 Commercial and Customer Department.

    - Account Manager: Sale and management of bank and insurance products, over control of loans and customer accounts.


  • Universidad Del Pacifico (Guayaquil)

    Guayaquil 2011 - 2011 Spécialisation : Marketing Stratégique

    Ecole de Commerce et des Entrepreneurs
  • Institut Supérieur De Commerce De Paris - ISC Paris

    Paris 2009 - 2012 Management & Marketing : International Program

    Master 2 - Thesis:
    Relationship between Quality, Satisfaction and Loyalty in the Low-cost area
  • Instituto Tecnológico Y De Estudios Superiores De Monterrey (ITESM) (Guadalajara)

    Guadalajara 2008 - 2008 Spécialisation : Marketing International
  • Université Lille

    Lille 2006 - 2009 Licence

    ICD Paris Business School ( Institut International de Commerce et Distribution) : Double Compétences


Annuaire des membres :