- REF Regional Director Western Europe
2015 - maintenant
* Manage a portfolio over 400K sqm spread in Continental Europe. Mixed of own and lease property.
* 20,000 Clients served.
* Annual budget managed of US $250m
- REF Regional Director Asia SMSG Business
2015 - 2015
* Manage a portfolio over 250K spread in China Mainland, HK, TW, India, ANZ, APAC.
* 15000 internal Clients served.
* Annual budget managed over US 200m.
* Accountable for project delivery and strategy across portfolio
- REF Regional Director Great China Republic
2013 - 2015
* Manage a portfolio over 200,000 sqm spread in China Mainland, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau.
* 13,000 internal Clients served.
* Annual budget over US $200m.
* Manage a CAPEX plan of US$ 72m over 2 years
- Real Estate & Facilities Area Portfolio Manager Western Europe
2010 - 2013
• Leading a team of 11 FTE providing them with relevant coaching to topgrade them to Trusted leadership.
• Providing REF services to Microsoft facilities through outsourced global provider in within the entire Portfolio.
• Providing facility management services to c.9500 customers through 40 sites under management with internal and outsourced team.
• Managing a budget of $200m a year to run more than 200Ksqm of office.
• Delivering saving on OPEX and CAPEX through cost control (over $35m a year).
• Delivering multiple projects in multiple locations simultaneously (over $40m CAPEX).
• Presenting and gaining approval of business case to Senior Management on Real Estate Strategy for my portfolio.
Barclays Capital
- Corporate Real Estate Vice President European Senior Hub Manager
2006 - 2010
• Provided CRES services to Barclays Capital and Barclays Wealth throughout 11 countries.
• Provided facility management services to c.1200 customers through 51 sites under management (34K sqm).
• Presented business cases for Facility Management, General Services, Procurement and Real Estate activities to Senior Management.
• Procured for the bank for sites under management all services and goods (excluding IT related).
• Managed BAU budget of £30m a year. Implementing cost cutting and cost avoidance strategies.
• Project managed CAPEX investment through major refurbishments in France, Italy and Portugal (over £30m CAPEX).
• Managed an insourced team of 20 staff through 4 Service Delivery Managers through multiple countries.
• Leaded strategic changes within CRES team (outsourcing, productivity gain, team top grading).
• Structured MI report and pay for performance strategy for outsourced contracts.
- Manager Real Estate Strategy
2005 - 2006
• Developed commercial department for the Real Estate Consulting French subsidiary. Consulting focuses on the users’ cost reduction
and the optimisation of their Real Estate Assets (Facility and Property Management Consulting).
• Managed and developed Facility Management cost optimisation plan according to the Real Estate strategy.
• Lead financial-economic studies on real estate assets in order to provide results for decision-making on the Real Estate portfolio
from a user or investor perspective.
Atisreal BNP Real Estate Spain
- Director Property and Facility Management Spain
2001 - 2003
Managed and developed Property and Facility Management for ATIS-Real, Spain.
Identified and analysed buy-out opportunities on targeted Real Estate services companies.
Developed and implemented Real Estate Services including Space Planning, Project Management and Mortgage Appraisal.
Atisreal Vendome Rome Banco Nacional Hipotecario Argentina
- General Manager
1998 - 2001
Project Leader for a Joint Venture with Banco Hipotecario Nacional (State Mortgage Bank). Real Estate Services Company.
Led the Restructuring of the Real Estate Risk department of the BHN. International Benchmark on the Appraisal services offered by the bank and implementation of tools to improve this service.
Developed and managed a team of 30 professionals (engineers and architects) for processing in a centralized way 25,000 Real Estate Appraisal demands a year for clients nationwide. Processed through a network of 200 independent professional experts.
Created and managed a national Mortgage Appraisal company, headquartered in Buenos Aires with 5 National offices.
Negotiated and executed a consulting contract for restructuring the department of Risk Analysis of Banco Nacional de la Vivienda (Dominican Republic Mortgage State Bank). Benchmark & provided Best Practices on the services offered by the bank.
Vendome Rome Oneto Argentina
- Commercial Manager Property Management
1996 - 1998
Benchmarked services and created a Commercial Department, and commercial development.
Interacted with the Market in order to achieve strategic joint ventures with companies to adapt PM and FM services to the market’s needs.
Closed a joint venture with First Construction Argentine Company (Roggio).