


En résumé

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  • Microsoft - REF Regional Director Western Europe

    Issy-les-Moulineaux. 2015 - maintenant * Manage a portfolio over 400K sqm spread in Continental Europe. Mixed of own and lease property.
    * 20,000 Clients served.
    * Annual budget managed of US $250m
  • Microsoft - REF Regional Director Asia SMSG Business

    Issy-les-Moulineaux. 2015 - 2015 * Manage a portfolio over 250K spread in China Mainland, HK, TW, India, ANZ, APAC.
    * 15000 internal Clients served.
    * Annual budget managed over US 200m.
    * Accountable for project delivery and strategy across portfolio
  • Microsoft - REF Regional Director Great China Republic

    Issy-les-Moulineaux. 2013 - 2015 * Manage a portfolio over 200,000 sqm spread in China Mainland, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau.
    * 13,000 internal Clients served.
    * Annual budget over US $200m.
    * Manage a CAPEX plan of US$ 72m over 2 years
  • Microsoft - Real Estate & Facilities Area Portfolio Manager Western Europe

    Issy-les-Moulineaux. 2010 - 2013 • Leading a team of 11 FTE providing them with relevant coaching to topgrade them to Trusted leadership.
    • Providing REF services to Microsoft facilities through outsourced global provider in within the entire Portfolio.
    • Providing facility management services to c.9500 customers through 40 sites under management with internal and outsourced team.
    • Managing a budget of $200m a year to run more than 200Ksqm of office.
    • Delivering saving on OPEX and CAPEX through cost control (over $35m a year).
    • Delivering multiple projects in multiple locations simultaneously (over $40m CAPEX).
    • Presenting and gaining approval of business case to Senior Management on Real Estate Strategy for my portfolio.
  • Barclays Capital - Corporate Real Estate Vice President European Senior Hub Manager

    PARIS 2006 - 2010 • Provided CRES services to Barclays Capital and Barclays Wealth throughout 11 countries.
    • Provided facility management services to c.1200 customers through 51 sites under management (34K sqm).
    • Presented business cases for Facility Management, General Services, Procurement and Real Estate activities to Senior Management.
    • Procured for the bank for sites under management all services and goods (excluding IT related).
    • Managed BAU budget of £30m a year. Implementing cost cutting and cost avoidance strategies.
    • Project managed CAPEX investment through major refurbishments in France, Italy and Portugal (over £30m CAPEX).
    • Managed an insourced team of 20 staff through 4 Service Delivery Managers through multiple countries.
    • Leaded strategic changes within CRES team (outsourcing, productivity gain, team top grading).
    • Structured MI report and pay for performance strategy for outsourced contracts.
  • Atisreal - Manager Real Estate Strategy

    Levallois-Perret 2005 - 2006 • Developed commercial department for the Real Estate Consulting French subsidiary. Consulting focuses on the users’ cost reduction
    and the optimisation of their Real Estate Assets (Facility and Property Management Consulting).
    • Managed and developed Facility Management cost optimisation plan according to the Real Estate strategy.
    • Lead financial-economic studies on real estate assets in order to provide results for decision-making on the Real Estate portfolio
    from a user or investor perspective.
  • Atisreal BNP Real Estate Spain - Director Property and Facility Management Spain

    Levallois-Perret 2001 - 2003  Managed and developed Property and Facility Management for ATIS-Real, Spain.
     Identified and analysed buy-out opportunities on targeted Real Estate services companies.
     Developed and implemented Real Estate Services including Space Planning, Project Management and Mortgage Appraisal.
  • Atisreal Vendome Rome Banco Nacional Hipotecario Argentina - General Manager

    Levallois-Perret 1998 - 2001  Project Leader for a Joint Venture with Banco Hipotecario Nacional (State Mortgage Bank). Real Estate Services Company.
     Led the Restructuring of the Real Estate Risk department of the BHN. International Benchmark on the Appraisal services offered by the bank and implementation of tools to improve this service.
     Developed and managed a team of 30 professionals (engineers and architects) for processing in a centralized way 25,000 Real Estate Appraisal demands a year for clients nationwide. Processed through a network of 200 independent professional experts.
     Created and managed a national Mortgage Appraisal company, headquartered in Buenos Aires with 5 National offices.
     Negotiated and executed a consulting contract for restructuring the department of Risk Analysis of Banco Nacional de la Vivienda (Dominican Republic Mortgage State Bank). Benchmark & provided Best Practices on the services offered by the bank.
  • Vendome Rome Oneto Argentina - Commercial Manager Property Management

    1996 - 1998  Benchmarked services and created a Commercial Department, and commercial development.
     Interacted with the Market in order to achieve strategic joint ventures with companies to adapt PM and FM services to the market’s needs.
     Closed a joint venture with First Construction Argentine Company (Roggio).


  • Fundação Getulio Vargas FGV (São Paulo)

    São Paulo 2004 - 2005 MBA

    General Management
  • Universidad Torcuato Di Tella UTDT (Buenos Aires)

    Buenos Aires 2003 - 2004 MBA
  • Universidad De Belgrano (Capital Federal)

    Capital Federal 1996 - 1998 Master Internacional Economical Policies
  • University Of Central Lancashire (Preston)

    Preston 1994 - 1995 BA

    Compétences acquises, disciplines abordées, activités annexes.
  • IAE - Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3

    Lyon 1992 - 1996 Maitrise AES


Annuaire des membres :