Yaakoub BERROUCHE was born in Setif, Algeria, on January 12. He received the B.S. degree in Communication, M.S. degree in Networks and Telecommunication systems, from University Ferhat ABBAS, Setif, Algeria, in 2009 and 2011 respectively. He received Ph.D. degree in field of Signal Processing from University Ferhat ABBAS, Setif, Algeria, in 2017.
He is currently working at the Electronic Instrumentation Laboratory L.I.S in the department of Electronics, the faculty of technology, University Ferhat ABBAS, Setif, Algeria, from Mars 2012.
He was a research staff member in team Medical Instrumentation and Signal Processing.He has worked for research projects on Rate splitting multiple access RSMA, NOMA, 6G, robust scheme of Multiple Description Coding. His current research interests include joint source channel coding, image and video coding, signal processing applied to biomedical application and mechanical system diagnosis.
Mes compétences :
Digital Wireless communication
Wireless signal Processing
Biomedical engineering
Mecanical signal Processing