
Yémalo Jules HOUESSOU


En résumé

I am a sociable and positive person.
Currently, I am living and working in France. Independent in work, I have ability for teamwork. I am an enthusiastic and dynamic person. Interested by new technologies and mechanics, I like to have some challenges within my work in order to evolve. Furthermore, I am fully involved in my personal or professional activities. I like to work towards a good result.
I also appreciate to meet new people and to discover new cultures.

Mes compétences :
CATIA V5 (Sketcher, Wireframe and Surface, Part De
Structural analysis on ANSYS
ISO-GPS standard
PLM (Product Life Management) - Enovia
Product development
Microsoft Office
Relational ease / Communication


  • Autoliv - Product engineer

    Cergy 2013 - maintenant My role is to develop and validate side airbags from preliminary draft until serial production. This requires an ability to respect a time schedule, communicate and collaborate with international contributors as well as taking initiative. I work in close cooperation with CAD designers, Safety simulation team, production team and test laboratory team in order to keep track on the projects progress.
    I also use PLM (Product Life Management - ENOVIA) system to capitalise on the
    company experience feedback, to keep track on the project progress and to share information.
  • MGI Coutier - Calculus engineer

    Champfromier 2011 - 2013 The focus was to validate the mechanical resistance of doorstops, pedals and hinges by performing a finite element analysis in order to reduce the company’s amount of prototypes and tests. Therefore, I have in parallel been studying and analysing physical tests to correlate them with the numerical simulations to receive reliable results. I learned the importance of considering the mechanical constraints, ergonomics constraints and feasibility rules while designing or optimizing a component. I mainly used CATIA V5 (Sketcher, Part Design, Wireframe and Surface, Assembly Design) and ANSYS (Pre-processing, solver and Post-processing). I have developed considerable skills in both the designing of and sizing of metallic and plastic parts.
  • MGI Coutier - Engineering intern

    Champfromier 2011 - 2011 The focus was on the development of a new door stop in mainly plastic by performing structural analysis to validate the mechanical resistance. I participated in a product FMEA definition based on Function Analysis System Technique (FAST).

    This internship leads to a job contract for a calculus engineer position.
  • Thales Air Systems - Engineering intern

    Courbevoie 2010 - 2010 Lean Management: Implement some methods in order to make the main characters understand the utility of lean tools and how to use them in the production chain.


  • Lulea University Of Technology (Luleå)

    Luleå 2010 - 2010 ERASMUS Exchange

    Subjects: Structural models in solid mechanics, material science, system design and CFD-simulation.
  • Insa De Rouen

    Rouen 2008 - 2011 Master Degree in Mechanical engineering

    Specialization in manufacturing processes and structural analysis (Finite Element Method).


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