I am currently looking for a postdoc or a research engineer position in the fields of databases, data warehouses and data mining.
Indeed, I have recently obtained a PhD in computer science at the Université Montpellier 2 where I also obtained a Master of Computer Science.
During my PhD, my main research domain was Data Stream Summarization. More specifically, my work addresses the problem of constructing compact cubes from multidimensional data streams and then mainly focuses on :
- Original and new pattern mining approaches for efficiently summarize the stream ;
- Efficient summarization technique for limiting the number of stored cuboids as well as a query extension to provide the best answer according to the summarization ;
- A new approach for aggregating data according to the context.
My PhD was founded by the French National Agency of Research (ANR) through the MIDAS project involving numerous academic partners (such as LIRMM, INRIA or Telecom ParisTech) and major business firms (such as EDF R&D or Orange Labs)
In parallel, I am also working on several other topics such as:
- (Multidimensional) Sequential Pattern Mining in Static Databases
- Spatiotemporal Data Mining
- Data Warehouse Design
- Flexible Queries
- Interaction of Multidimensional Data
During my PhD, I have also taught at the Institute of Technology at the University of Montpellier 2. My courses were mainly shared among the following modules: Data Mining, Database, Programming Language (ADA, Scheme, PHP), Information System, Database Design, Object Oriented Design, Computer Architecture.
Do not hesitate to contact me if you are interested in one of those topics!
Data mining, Data warehouse conception, Data stream management system