Mes compétences :
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel
Rédaction scientifique
Analyse de données
For Drug Consulting
- Chargée de vigilances
2016 - 2016Formation Théorique et Pratique en Recherche Clinique et Vigilances
Traitement de cas de PV , veille de la littérature, Rédaction PSUR , DSUR, PGR
Réglementation BPC, ICH
Mise en place d'Etudes Cliniques et monitoring
Retail pharmacy
- Assistant Pharmacist
2012 - 2014-Prepare or supervise the dispensing of medicines, ointments and tablets
-Advise patients on how their medicines are to be taken or used in the safest and most effective way
-Educate customers on health promotion, disease prevention and the proper use of medicines
-Meeting medical representatives
-Management of drug supplies and other health products
A. MAMI Hospital, Intensive care unit
- Intern Pharmacist
2011 - 2011- Assess the status of the patient’s health problems and determine whether the prescribed medications are optimally meeting the patient’s needs and goals of care.
-Recognize untreated health problems that could be improved or resolved with appropriate medication therapy.
-Advise the patient on how to best take his or her medications.
-Notify and report adverse incidents with a medical device or medicine.
A. Mami Hospital, Microbiology laboratory
- Intern Pharmacist
2010 - 2011-Monitoring and identifying microorganisms in human biological fluids.
-Using a variety of identification methods, including molecular techniques, to test samples.
-Initiation to managing and overseeing laboratory work.
-Contribution to Quality Control and traceability procedures.
-Participation in writing up research findings and producing reports.
Retail Pharmacy MIMOUNI
- Intern Pharmacist
2010 - 2010-Providing advice about health issues, symptoms and medications in response to customer enquiries
-Processing prescriptions and dispensing medication
-Ordering, selling and controlling medicines and other stock
-Managing budgets
-Meeting medical representatives