Specialties: Operations, Business Analysis and Project Management
Team Management
Strategic Planning and Strategic Management
Christian Dior Couture
- Business Analyst
Paris2012 - maintenantAnalysis: providing monthly reports the Retail Network development & Wholesale
Organizing regular reports on the Capital expenditures and budgets in the retail Network.
Updating on a day to day basis the evolution of the figures and adjusting if needed.
Taking part in the elaboration of the strategic plan presented to the Top Management as far as operations and budget are concerned.
Global follow up of the ongoing projects
Institut des Hautes Etudes de Défense Nationale
- Auditeur/ Auditor
2011 - maintenantAlong with permanent position
Article and Essay writing about subjects linked to international relations, economic intelligence and economic war.
Christian Dior Couture
- Operations project manager - business analyst
Paris2010 - 2012Operations (Purchasing, supplychain and finance) project manager
Retail development - Project manager
Business Analyst
Louis Vuitton
- Chef de projet Supplychain
Paris2009 - 2009Upward flow supervisor at Louis Vuitton Malletier [ Edit ] Privately Held ; Luxury Goods & Jewelry industry
- Development of a logistic international solution in upward logistics
- Diagnosis and mapping of currents and futur flows with the workshops in France and worldwide
TEC De Monterrey Tec (Monterrey)
Monterrey2008 - 2008Master of Science in Marketing
Communicacion Integral de Mercadotecnia -
Investigacion de mercados -
Filosofia empresarial -
Seminario profesional Procter & Gamble -
Distribucion y logistica -
Comportamiento del consumidor
Master Degree: Strategy and Management of International Business - Strategic Management,
Corporate Finance, International Finance,
Cost allocation, Export Finance,
International Marketing, Intelligence Marketing,
Global sourcing,
Distribution strategies,
2007 - 2009Strategy and Management of International Business
Paris - France
Fortes dominantes :
- Strategic Management,
- Corporate Finance, International Finance,
- Cost allocation, Export Finance,
- International Marketing, Intelligence Marketing,
- Global soucing, Distribution strategies
Chalmers University Of Technology (Göteborg)
Göteborg2006 - 2007Master in Production and Operations Management
Corporate Strategy
Production Development Management
Competing Strategies
Roadmapping Techniques
Service operations management
Total Quality Management
Organizational Behavior
New Product management
Concurrent Engineering
R&D Strategy