
Youssef KILANI


En résumé

Jeune diplômé ESTP en section bâtiment et Msc in Structural Engineering and Mechanics par les universités de Glasgow et d'Édimbourg, je recherche un poste d'ingénieur travaux en France ou à l'étanger.

Mes compétences :
Conducteur de travaux
Ingénieur travaux


  • Bouygues TP - Senior Site Engineer assistant

    Paris 2009 - maintenant Hong Kong West Drainage Tunnel (HKWDT): Water drainage tunnel site in Hong Kong.
    3 Months.
    - Familiarizing with the functioning of the TBM (Tunnel Boring Machine )and the boring process,
    - Recording, analyzing of daily reports and implementing them into a software (TDMS) developed for the site,
    - Day-to-day management of the site, including supervising and monitoring the site labor and the work of the subcontractors into the building a footbridge to make the tunnel more accessible,
    - Keeping track of all material delivery (soil, aggregates, rings etc.),
    - Liaising with the local authority to ensure compliance with local construction regulations and by-laws (air and
    water pollution, noise control).
  • Vinci Construction Grands Projets - Senior Site Engineer assistant

    Rueil-Malmaison Cedex 2008 - 2008 A86 Duplex: A 2 levels tunnel shutting down the motorway A86.
    2 months.
    - Several missions above all the lifting of reservations of the tunnel: excavations, dealing with water infiltrations, sanitations, etc.,
    - Preparing daily reports,
    - Attending meetings with the subcontractors and bargaining with them,
    - Liaising with clients and their representatives (architects, engineers), including attending regular meetings to keep them informed of progress;
    - Planning the work and efficiently organizing the plant and site facilities in order to meet agreed time and cost deadlines,
    - Overseeing quality control and safety matters on site;


  • Glasgow University (Glasgow)

    Glasgow 2009 - 2010 Msc in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (with Merit)

    Thesis: Pushover analyses applied for frame structures.
  • Edinburgh University (Edinburgh)

    Edinburgh 2009 - 2010 Msc in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (with Merit)

    MSc in Structural Engineering & Mechanics (Joint Degree)


Annuaire des membres :