
Zakaria Mohamed EL ABIDI


En résumé

Our Story
For over 8 years, Cadgees center " has developed practical solutions to the society’s greatest challenges. As we celebrate this milestone, "Cadgees center " continue to provide strategic insights and solutions to help decision makers chart inside of organizations a course toward a better answer for Strategic and operational difficulties.
Cadgees center, headquartered in Rabat. The Center’s 7 full-time staff and large network of affiliated scholars conduct research and analysis and develop the products, solutions and initiatives for our partners.
Since 2008, "Cadgees center" has been dedicated to finding ways to sustain small and medium enterprises, national institutions and associations at the national level . After 8 years, "Cadgees center " has become one of the national’s preeminent institutions focused in terms of technological development and economic integration.

Mohamed El Abidi .has chaired the Board of Trustees since 2008.
Learn more about the history of "Cadgees conseil" or other information about our services using the links below. If you have additional questions please feel free to contact the appropriate office by E-mail

Our customers
When a laureate needed to help bring in more money for his family, decided to turn her hobby into a career, he needed the power of a good website to sell her products. he turned to "cadgees center" Online Store to build her website and take advantage of our best deals.

They're determined to bring power back to the people, giving small businesses the keys to drive the international economy through electronic marketing techniques and the use of less expensive technological tools


  • MNT - Directeur

    PARIS 2013 - maintenant
  • IMEG - Expert

    2010 - 2013


  • Université Mohammed V (Rabat)

    Rabat 2008 - 2014


Annuaire des membres :