AMD Performance
- Vice-Présidente
Présidente déléguée de AMD Performance (Association de Marketing Direct)
statut de Junior Entreprise
Chiffre d’affaires 2007 de 200K€
o Communication interne (création de produits avec logo,…), communication externe (affiches, annonces dans journaux locaux, participation au « Mouv’ des campus » : émission radio en janvier 2007, campagnes de prospection,…)
o Gestion de la clientèle, des missions, des étudiants ; management de 10 membres.
Credit Agricole
- Auxiliaire de vacances
Accueil des clients
Vente de produits fincanciers
CERAM Yachting
- Responsable de la croisière des anciens
Organisation de 4 croisières pour les étudiants du CERAM (de 20 à 40 personnes)
location de voiliers, organisation des animations, ...
Organisation de la croisère des anciens
Responsable de l'organisation de sessions du passage du permis bateau
CNES Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales
- Assistante Communication
Elaboration d’un plan de communication
Mise à jour et mise en place d’outils divers de communication (catalogue, album photos, flyers, affiches, cartons d’invitation)
Participation à l'organisation d'un événement regroupant environ 250 personnes sur une semaine sur le camp militaire de La Courtine (Creuse).
2011 - maintenant
-french strategy on retention email for the business base
-set up of emails campaigns : marketing concept, copy, pricing, design with the graphic designers, selection of the target. Set up of triggers emails and products targeting
-marketing support to retention european programs (proeject management)
-leverage knowledge with other countries
-collaborate with products spoecialists and the research team
-inside the french team: exchange of good practices with other channels (online display, social media, direct mail)
-analysis of metrics (OR, CTR, AOV) and optimization of campaigns (AB tests)
AGILENT Technologies
- Marketing Communication Specialist
2010 - maintenant
Set up of marketing and communication actions
•Events management
•Sales person support
•Press Relations
•Distribution program
Walt Disney Studio Home Entertainment
- Trade marketing assistant
2008 - 2008
Assistant of the Trade Marketing Department: In charge of the organization of the special discounts operation on Disney DVD, in relation with sellers, logistics of the products delivery; work on communication tools (Flyers, Wobblers, POP in stores, Blinder,…); participation of negotiations of operation with retailers (Carrefour, Auchan, Géant,…); Participation of the elaboration of marketing plan of the releases of new Disney DVD.
Agilent Technologies
- EBusiness and eMarketing Assistant
2008 - 2009
Assistant of the eBusiness and eMarketing department: In charge of updating the website Agilent.com for Europe, managing the Intranet. I also helped to implement a new tool helping us to manage the newsletters (Articles selection, layout,…).Participation of the organization of an 300 persons event in Paris (Training sessions for Agilent engineers).
CERAM Business School
- Etudiante
2006 - 2010