Graduate of a master's degree in Geography and a Postgraduate in Environmental Sciences at the Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar, Abdou Sane is fond of environment and activities related to education. So he’s been a professor of history and geography and technical adviser at the Ministry of Environment, then Chairman of the Board of directors of the National Office of Sanitation of Senegal. Elected Member of Parliament, he is interested in issues relating to reducing disaster risk. He joined the Network of Senegalese Parliamentarians for Housing, safety, prevention and risk management of disasters relating to climate change. A few months later, he became a member of the Scientific Committee of UNESCO fighting against coastal erosion.
Abdou Sane is deeply involved with the people fighting against flooding being their spokesman at the National Assembly and with partners (UNISDR, UNDP,OCHA, World Bank .....).
He tours the country with the support of the Ministry of Home Affairs mostly the Civil Protection Department enabled him to better understand the phenomenon and the extent of flooding. To bring happy solutions, Mr. Abdou Sane used his parliamentary influence to bring these issues in the urgent agenda of debates in the National Assembly.
In the field of security, two areas were of particular interest to Abdou Sane:
The rising of the Sea level and its impact on people's lives: we saw Abdou Sane alongside Professor Goumbala, Chairman of the Scientific Committee of UNESCO in charge of the program fighting against coastal erosion.
-The safety of civilians in southern Senegal in the natural region of Casamance experiencing a conflict that has lasted for thirty years: there Abdou Sane contributed substantially to the fight against landmines. With the help of the national center fighting against landmines of Senegal (CNAMS) and Handicap International, he significantly supported victims of landmines.
Finally, focusing on the environmental code and listed buildings, Abdou Sane has always come up with questions, a vision compatible with safety for populations (market fires, chemical pollution with ammonia at Sonacos for example, ...).
All these activities for public safety and social welfare convinced the authorities of the United Nations organization in June 2010 to give Mr. Abdou Sane the title of representative for UNISDR in West Africa to promote disaster risk reduction within the framework of Hyogo. It happened in the presence of Margareta Wahlstrom (Special Representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations in charge of disaster risk reduction), Mr. Mamadou Seck President of the National Assembly of Senegal and the Minister of State in charge of Home Affairs Mr. Bécaye DIOP.
The good job done by Mr. Abdou Sane as a representative of the UNISDR for West Africa has been positively rewarded because Abdou Sane has been reappointed for two years (2012-2014). This time he has a universal status that allows him to intervene anywhere in the world. He received this distinction on June 28th 2012 in Geneva in the presence of Margareta Wahlstrom.
Finally Abdou Sane is often invited to share his experience through global summits: Copenhagen, Durban, Rio +20, China, Geneva, Brussels ...
This remarkable career of Mr Abdou Sane was possible through the collaboration of civil Protection, the Ministry of Environment, partners such as OCHA, UNISDR...
June 29th 2012
By Abdou Sane
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