Mortensen Akustik A/S Company}, Denmark
- Student Job
maintenantI participated in the drawing modifications of a Theater/Concert hall project with the ODEON software from Brüel & Kjaer.
Denmark Technical University
- Teacher assistant
maintenantI tutored problem solving with the new students in Fundamentals Acoustics at DTU for a semester.
Stocquart Traitement des Végétaux
- Assistant
maintenantInvoices & estimations, database update and labor mapping.
Junior enterprise : J'ENSIM
- Project Manager
maintenantProject manager and prospecting new projecs
Technical University of Denmark
- Acoustician
- Outside sales engineer south west of France
2011 - maintenant
Brüel & Kjaer France
- Outside Sales Engineer Paris and North of France
2010 - 2011
Technical University of Denmark (DTU DK)
- Laboratory Teacher (Electro-Acoustics)
2009 - 2009Teaching Electro-Acoustics laboratory for Master students.
Sonosteam Force Technology
- Master Thesis
2008 - 2008Master thesis :"Damping of ultrasound for food production applications", supervised by A. R. Hansen and F. Jacobsen. I chose to perform my master thesis with the Sonosteam corporation where I studied the air-born attenuation of ultrasound and its measurement.
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet DTU (Lyngby)
Lyngby2006 - 2008Master of Science in Acoustics Engineering
Two-year course with specialization in Acoustics which provide the conceptual framework and training in research required for advanced professional work in the acoustics field.
Le Mans2004 - 2008Graduate School of Engineering in Industrial Instrumentation and Measurement.
Graduate School of Engineering in Industrial Instrumentation and Measurement.
Three-year course with special emphasis on Physics and particular training in Vibration : Numerical analysis, Modeling, Vibration & Acoustics.