


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Carbon Foorint
Animation de réunions
Smart grid
Gestion de projet


  • EDF - Ingénieur Environnement

    Paris 2013 - maintenant Ingénieur environnement au centre d'ingénierie hydraulique de EDF.
  • Lincoln University, New Zealand - Etudiant Chercheur

    2011 - 2012 Recherche analysant l'impact de l'arrivée de transports électriques sur le réseau local de distribution d'électricité (Vehicules électriques et tramway). Travaux de publications pour le journal "Energy Policy" de Elsevier.
  • ST-Ericsson - SoC verification Engineer

    2007 - 2010 Develop Low level software and test bench to ensure right connectivity and functionality of a high complexity multimedia chip for embedded devices (Nomadik portfolio for Nokia).
    Focus on core trace and debug chip functionalities (JTAG chain, ARM dual core).
    Took over the activity and improved efficiency of verification as the complexity of the chip was growing: scripts for automation and solutions to simulate the debugger interaction with the chip.
    Worked in various technical environments (simulation, emulation platforms). Many interactions with teams in Finland, England, Sweden and Italy (technical support and knowledge sharing).
  • ST Microelectronics - SoC verification engineer

    2007 - 2008
  • Conexant systems - Trainee

    2006 - 2006


  • Lincoln University (Christchurch)

    Christchurch 2010 - 2011 Master of Applied Science (1st class Honours)

    Environmental Management (MSc) - In depth knowledge on transport issues and electricity generation and distribution issues.
    Environment law, Impact assessement methods, Environment Management Systems (ISO, EMAS), Planning issues and methods.
  • Ecole Nationale Supérieure D'Electronique, Informatique Et Radiocommunications

    Talence 2004 - 2007 Embedded Electronics

    Last Year in Sheffield hallam University (UK)


Annuaire des membres :