International and multicultural profile
Skilled in written expression, adaptation and immediate interaction in diverse cultural environments
Strong interest for communication and international, public and social relations
*********Languages :
•French : entire scholarship realized within the French education system (Switzerland, Belgium, France)
•Spanish : native language
•English : bilingual
•Portuguese : bilingual. Studied at Sciences Po, university exchange with the PUC - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
•German : good level, studied for 5 years (middle school, high school, GLTT of Brabant Wallon, Belgium )
Italian : good level (comprehension)
***********Literary awards :
•2003 : Participation in the Concours Général (national French contest, participation on teacher’s selection), in the French literature section
•2001 : 1st prize at the Fantastic short stories writing contest "Homo ex Machina 2001" organized by the « Maison du Livre » (Book House) of Bruxelles during the Fantastic Films festival ; prize awarded by Henri Vernhes, author of the comic strip " Bob Maurane "
2002 : 2nd prize at the same contest.
•2000 : 1st prize at the « Je Bouquine Miniplume 2000 » contest + Special prize " Coup de coeur " at the same contest; awarded by Marie-Aude Murail, famous and respected author of youth literature
•May 2000 : 7th rank in the" Plumier d’Or, Concours 2000 de Langue Française ", prize awarded in Paris by the president of the French Academy Jean Dutourd
•1998 : Member of the Jury of the "Chronos Prize" of literature for youth
********Computer Skills :
Proficient usage of Windows 98/2000/XP : Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Internet Explorer