Passionate about energy and development, I'm animated by work and projects that seek to concile both in the smartest ways.
Willing to grasp the full picture of the problems and to understand where the solutions can lie, I trained myself in different disciplines. First in political science and development, that I completed with work in projects in and with developing countries, especially Latin America, with the United Nations and CARE. I enjoyed these enriching experiences but I wanted to learn more on the technical side, therefore I did a second Master degree in Energy Engineering, with a double cursus in France and in China. I got even more passionate about energy and the technologies as means for sustainable development.
After my experience working more specifically on Green hydrogen and the EU ETS, I joined Ecorys as a consultant in Energy and Environment where I got more familiar with economic analysis. Willing to be closer to stakeholders and to project development I joined Euro Project Consult in January 2014 to develop their activity in Spain, especially in the field of energy.
My areas of expertise include Renewable Energies, New forms of Energy, e.g: Green Hydrogen, Energy Storage, Life Cycle Analysis and Carbon Finance e.g. EU ETS, Adaptation to Climate Change, Resilient Livelihoods, Disaster Risks Reduction and Rural Development.
Euro Project Consult aims at supporting any stakeholder with a project in the area of sustainable development (transport, energy, climate change, environment, innovation). It can be SMEs, local authorities, industries, universities, NGOs, individuals etc. Our services are diverse and easily adapted to each particular case; examples are support in applying for EU funds, access to a large network of European partners, management and coordination of European projects, dissemination and communication, projects evaluation.
Do not hesitate to contact me to find out how we can make your project more successful!
Mes compétences :
Gestion de projet