


En résumé

PROFORTIS, veut dire:

"PROfessional facilitation about
Fish, Ore, Roads, Trade, Industry and Services".


PFI Ltd est une compagnie de droit britannique dont l'activité première est la facilitation commerciale, mais aussi la fourniture de prestations de conseil, d'assistance et de lobby.

Ces activités recouvrent plus particulièrement :

• La promotion de technologies éprouvées, innovantes, respectueuses de l'environnement, qui - tout en permettant de substantielles économies - favorisent le développement de projets générateurs de revenus,

• Les transactions internationales (assistance à la recherche de partenaires financiers et industriels),
• L'approvisionnement en biens (matériels neufs ou occasions révisées) et la fourniture de services divers.

PFI Ltd capitalise sur un vaste réseau de relations internationales et bénéficie des liens noués au fil des années par ses actionnaires et partenaires avec certains organismes financiers internationaux ainsi que de nombreux fournisseurs, qu'ils soient français, européens, américains ou asiatiques.

Le Département "Pêche Industrielle" de ProFortis International Ltd fournit des services d'assistance commerciale à un regroupement de pêcheurs mauritaniens et à des producteurs de la sous-région.

Il a environ 500 espèces marines différentes dans les eaux du nord-ouest de l'Afrique et de ce fait nous pouvons mettre à votre disposition de nombreux produits de la mer vivants (langoustes), frais (entier ou traités), congelés (crustacés, céphalopodes, poissons) ou encore séchés, salés ou fumés en provenance de Mauritanie, mais aussi du Maroc et du Sénégal.

Nous possédons une connaissance approfondie du secteur de la pêche et nous fournissons aussi de nombreux services qu'ils soient marketing ou d'assistance technique aux prospects intéressés par la pêche professionnelle, avec un focus plus particulier sur les ressources halieutiques mauritaniennes et marocaines.

Nous avons deux bureaux de liaison, un en Afrique de l'ouest et l'autre en Asie,

Bureau de liaison pour l'Afrique
BP 1472
TEL : + 222 46 97 21 75

Bureau de liaison pour l'Asie
2F, No. 419, Sec. 3, He-Ping East Road,
Hsin-Yi District, Taipei,
Taiwan (11057), ROC,
TEL: + 886 2 27390701

"The Good Life Shellfish Company " (TGLS Sarl) is a Joint Venture between a British fishing company lobster (Homarus gammarus) with over 15 years of successful activities and private Mauritanian investors, with 25 years of background in the fishing domain.

Based on joint expertise, we have created a brand new set of facilities matching in full all current European regulatory standards.

We use daily renewed seawater (not recycled) to store our products.
Our large tank capacity allows storing many tons of tropical crustaceans (Panulirus regius, Palinurus mauritanicus & Scyllarides squammosus) in chilled sea water.
Our staff is skilled and trained.

Our suppliers are all Mauritanians as we use whether a dedicated team of artisanal canoes and/or lobster fishing vessels with valid and current fishing license.

We ship worldwide live products - only by airfreight - directly from Nouakchott airport to final destination, into special transportation boxes.

Mes compétences :
Strong entrepreneurial skills and experience
Proven skills
Broad practical experience


  • THE GOOD LIFE SHELLFISH COMPANY Sarl - Delegate Managing Director & Associate

    2012 - maintenant o Created a JV with a British partner to handle the storing, processing and shipment of live tropical lobsters worldwide.
    o Supervised the rehabilitation of a ruined facility into a top leading establishment for processing lobsters, matching in full all EU health requirements.

    2004 - maintenant o Established a company focused onto business facilitation (brokerage, intermediation, marketing & sales support, lobbying) and commercial development of natural resources from West Africa (Mauritania, Mali, Senegal).
  • Bureau Veritas - Executive VP & MD

    Puteaux 2002 - 2002 growth in turn over together with 14 % profitability by
  • ProFortis Int'l Ltd - CEO

    2001 - maintenant
  • BUREAU VERITAS - Vice-president & member of the Executive Committee

    Puteaux 1998 - 2002 Managing Director of the Aeronautics & Space Division (30 M EUR , 250 p.)
    Member of the Board of three Economic Interest Groups (i.e. Joint-Ventures)
  • THALES - Deputy Managing Director

    Courbevoie 1996 - 1998 * Co-managed and supported the international business expansion of an entity dedicated to positioning THOMSON-CSF's aeronautical activities in CNS/ATM innovative fields.
  • THALES - Represented the President

    Courbevoie 1992 - 1996 (At that time, a US$ 7.00 Billion European leader in governmental electronics, 50,000 employees with over 50 units, worldwide implantation)
    Delegate for the Nordic Countries. [Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Iceland]

    * Represented the President of the Group in the European Nordic Area; was in charge of monitoring,
    coordinating and supporting overall business flow (average 80 Millions EUR uros yearly sales) through
    structural negotiations with local partners, recruiting, expanding and optimizing various local sales
    networks (consultants, representatives, agents).
    o Interfaced with national authorities, French Embassies and key local industrial players to initiate
    cooperative programs, identify and recommend merger and acquisition opportunities.
  • THALES - General Manager

    Courbevoie 1988 - 1991 MD of the US based MILITARY & SPACE COMPONENTS DIVISION and
    Sales Director of "THOMSON COMPOSANTS MILITAIRES ET SPATIAUX" (France), for Americas and Far East markets.

    o Full P&L responsibility for Marketing and Sales operations for North America, South America and Far East
    markets (increased booking figures from nil to US$12 M within three years).
  • THALES - Marketing & Sales Manager

    Courbevoie 1985 - 1988
  • THALES - Product Marketing Manager

    Courbevoie 1982 - 1985
  • THALES - Sales Engineer

    Courbevoie 1980 - 1982
  • THALES - Consulting Engineer

    Courbevoie 1973 - 1980
  • N.C.H.P & SUBSIDIARIES - Merchant Marine Officer

    1969 - 1972 N.C.H.P & SUBSIDIARIES (SMTM, CMN) (Paris, Fr. and Madagascar) (
    Merchant Marine Officer (High seas and international coastal navigation)



    Paris 1980 - 1982 Master of Business Administration

    ; major : International Marketing (awarded ``* Electronics engineer (TH-CSF training)
  • University Of Grenoble

    Grenoble 1980 - 1982 Bachelor of Science

    * Electronics engineer (TH-CSF training) major: Analog Electronics
    * Merchant Marine Officer degree, ENMM, Nantes, France 1968
    * French Baccalaureate diploma in sciences (awarded ``Magna cum laude)''

Annuaire des membres :