


En résumé

As a Research Engineer, I explore new philosophies, techniques or ideas from the scientific community, in order to transfer them to enterprises .
Indeed, the CRP H.T.'s goal is to strengthen the economy of Luxemburg.
As a Project Engineer, I work as a consultant in companies wanting to implement our ideas.


Theory Of Constrains:
-Drum Buffer Ropes
-Buffer Management
-Critical Chain Project Management
-Thinking Process
Operational Management:
-Planification (according to APICS system)
-Followup & Analysis

Mes compétences :
Microsoft Project
Microsoft Project Management


  • Master en Management avec option Qualité - Critical Chain Project Management Lecturer

    2008 - maintenant In addition to my position, I teach CCPM in the Master that CRP H. Tudor and the ESM (University of Metz) has developped together. This formation is opened to professionnals who want discover other management technics. In this frame, I teach the Theory Of Constrains applied to the Project Management.
  • Centre de Recherche Public Henri Tudor - Ingénieur R&D Stratégie&Management d'Entreprise

    PARIS 2006 - maintenant I currently work as a Project Engineer :
    - How to combine / enhance the Theory Of Constraints with other methods...
    - On implementing the Theory of Constraints in various environments in public and private sectors.
  • Acadomia - Professeur de Mathémmatiques et Physique-Chimie Collège-Lycée

    Paris 2005 - 2006 Ce travail temporaire m'a permis de prendre goût à l'activité de formation. Cela a en outre développé mon sens de la pédagogie et de l'écoute, ainsi que la patience. La satisfaction de voir mes élèves évoluer dans leur approche de la connaissance et leur ambition a été ma meilleure récompense.



Annuaire des membres :