
Alexandre SCHMITT


En résumé

Project Manager, multi-disciplined Systems Expert with a decade of significant international experience with global companies.

Graduated MSc. Engineer Expert from Aeronautic & Space Polytechnic Institute of Paris (F), reinforced with a Pg. Program Business Economics & Strategy of Rostov-on-Don (Ru) and Certified High Voltage Accreditation (F).

With verifiable track record of successfully completed Project, pragmatic approach on variety of Project Management roles world-wide across Central Europe, Africa, Russia and Middle East over different typologies of Systems.

Endowed of ultimate organizational mind-set of cross-functional management, cross-cultural and global teams management within large range of diversified scope of industries context.

As creative thinker, knowledge of start-up operations, hands-on, pro-active management style result oriented and team player, have always been able to over cross the expectations and contributed to solve complex technical or managerial problematic as diplomatic issues.

I am looking towards furthering my career and challenging myself through your company excellence as long term perspectives. Working within your organization would allow me to invest myself, rich of multi-modal experiences, within the highest technology and level of expectation.

I can be counting on to perform with rigorous theoretical skills according to my dynamism and my quick-witting aspect in all kind of fields either in critical contexts where I can be relied upon to make the correct decisions under pressure.

Determinate to use all my capacities, technically know-how as financially realistic, autonomous and gifted of a real leadership - I will be glad to exchange information about our common interest.

Mes compétences :
11.2010- 10.2013 Alstom – TransMashHoldin
11. 2013- 12.2014 Alstom – Besix Consorti
02.2010- 09. 2010 HP. Hydro sas (Selestat
11.2006- 01.2008 Imanga (Antananarivo - Ma
04.2006- 10.2006 Mecachrome Group. Sas (Am
02.2008- 01.2009 Heliconcept GmbH (Kehl -
02.2015- On going TUV Rheinland Middle East D
Systems Development
Serial Tests deployment
Propulsion concept Design
Operations and Maintenance
Microsoft Project
Lotus 1-2-3
Landscape architecture
FluidMechanics Analysis
Cost Analysis
Airbus A400 Aircraft
Airbus A380 Aircraft


  • TUVRheinland MiddleEast DAFZA - IndependentOperationControlManager

    2015 - maintenant TUVRheinland MiddleEast DAFZA(United Arab Emirates/Kingdom of SaudiArabia). MULTI PROJECT
    -ICP Assessmentand Audit MakkahHajj 1436(KSA) ;
    - System Integration Coordinator-RAMScompliance DubaiTrolley System of Burj Khalifa (UAE)
    - Consultant Safety Integrated Systems-auditOperation &Maintenance Dubai Airport PM(UAE) ;
    - System Safety Assurance- Standardcompliance &CertificationonRiyadh Metro Line1, 2and 3 (KSA) ;
    - StreamBusinessfollow-up&Tendering - MSheirebPropertiesDoha(Qatar). ;
    - Operation&Maintenance,NetworkIntegratedServices -Concept business development (IMEA).
  • Alstom- BesixConsortium - ProjectOperationManager

    2013 - 2014 Alstom- BesixConsortium(Dubai - United ArabEmirates). CROSS FUNCTIONAL
    - ProjectOperationManager-Cross Function ofValidation, Testing& Acceptance Dubai Tram Marina ;
    - CoordinatorTemporaryConfiguration- Assets Infrastructure, Power-Supplyand Rolling-Stock ;
    - TemporaryOperation ControlCentre -Fleet Control, SystemManagement &PTW, Ramp-upT&C, Acceptance ;
    - Transition Maintenance Coordinator- Transfer Technology, Training and scheduling.
  • Alstom-TransMashHolding-TrTrans JV - TestingManager

    2010 - 2013 TestingManager -High Speed TrainPrototype, Serial Tests deployment,OperationManagement
    - CommissioningManager-Troubleshoots&Debuggingdesign upgradeCoordination&Performance ;
    - Validation andCertificationManager -Validation Program andOperational GOSTprocess driving ;
    - Technology TransferManager -StrategyDeployment and Training Capacities building.

    02.2010- 09. 2010 HP.Hydro sas (Selestat - France). ENERGY
    - ProductionEngineer- Feasibility fluid NetworksDesignPiping andtreatment Systems development ;
    - Method&Process Engineer -optimization capacity System&Workload ProgramSurvey,Cost Analysis ;
    - QA&QCController- ProductionprogramCertificationProduct &SystemManagement ;
    - Business Accounting -Prospecting partners,Business Plan, Financial Tender, Suppliers interface.
  • HeliconceptGmbH - TeamLeader & Research andDevelopment Coordinator

    2008 - 2009 Propulsion ProgramManager- LightHelicopter ``GreenEnergy'' Propulsion concept Design ;
    - TeamLeader -Research andDevelopment Coordinator, FluidMechanics Analysis &Integration ;
    - Development&Testing Manager -Hydrogen-peroxidePropulsion Units commissioning.
  • Imanga - Project Manager-Civil Engineering

    2006 - 2008 Imanga( Design,Building,Logistics, Sourcing, Recruiting and Training ;
    - ConstructionManager -Infrastructuredeployment Leader, Building, Network&MEP deployments
    - ContractCoordinator- SchedulingProcess,Commercial&LegalContracting, Administrationsupport.
  • Financial AccountingKPIProgram fortransverse Industrialization Department - Deputy IndustrialProgramManager

    2006 - 2006 MecachromeGroup. Sas(- IndustrializationDriving Programfor A400M, A380,CILAS ;
    - Budget programmer


  • Rostov State University (Rostov On Don)

    Rostov On Don 2011 - 2013 Business Economics & Strategy

    Post-GraduatedProgramBusiness Economics&Strategy -RostovState University- (
  • Institut Polytechnique Des Sciences Avancées

    Paris 2001 - 2006 MSc Aerospace Expert Engineer


Annuaire des membres :