Digital Marketing Specialist for Honor Brand at Huawei.
Past : Orange, Nokia, Microsoft, Nexway
Recommandations :
"Alexis is rigorous, autonomous, and can deliver great work, always on time."
X. De Maleissye - Head of Sales Operations at Microsoft Mobile (Formerly Nokia)
"Autonomous, fast learner, highly knowledgeable about consumer electronics, he has all the required skills to be a valuable member of a marketing team in this industry."
M. Ravelli - Category Manager at Microsoft Mobile (Formerly Nokia)
"Alexis is a trustworthy and reliable team member, always keen to help beyond his scope. He is very knowledgeable on product marketing, understands market dynamics and is crisp on competition intelligence."
B. Dupuis - Head of Marketing at Microsoft Mobile (Formerly Nokia)
"Alexis's been quickly autonomous, reliable and precise [...] he's a great coworker, easy to work with and easy to manage ie open to discussions and suggestions. Alexis can be a good asset for any high tech company looking for a young product manager."
O. Lagreou - Head of Devices at Microsoft Mobile (Formerly Nokia)
"Detail-oriented, he has proven a strong well-adaptability.
Focused on deadlines, he has always been very positive and has shown a great efficiency!"
A. Fages - e-Commerce Product Team Manager at Orange
Mes compétences :
Marketing Online
High Tech