


En résumé

Je souhaite développer mon réseau et offrir l'opportunité a toute personne de pouvoir me rencontrer.
Avoir une explication de nos métiers liés à l 'accompagnement et surtout d'une expertise sur la protection et le patrimoine financier grâce a un bilan sur mesure
Intervenant auprès des professionnel et des particuliers.

Vous pouvez me contacter :

Mes compétences :
Microsoft Word
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Excel


  • Bayard Tyco - Employée administrative

    maintenant En tant qu'employée administratif au sein de l'entreprise Bayard Tyco de la période du 17 juillet au 6 aout 2010 j'ai effectuée plusieurs missions comme le calcul des ventes des commerciaux. J'ai effectuée des vérifications d' accords dans les différents état administratifs,des conditions de transports,des modifications et erreurs de commande.
  • AXA France - Chargée de clientèle

    Nanterre 2014 - maintenant
  • Darty - Chargée de clientèle

    BONDY 2013 - maintenant Après l'ouverture du service Vad de darty sur la région,
    Nos missions étaient le conseil et la vente par téléphone des produits darty et services installations.
    Différents objectifs quantitatif et qualitatif étaient mis en place afin de développer et motiver l'équipe.
  • Suelta Verde - WAITRESS

    2012 - 2012 : WAITRESS Suelta Verde Brignais near Lyon. Restaurant service. Welcoming clients. I liked the contacts in this job. I enjoyed the speed and the fact of controlling oneself.
  • SICOM - Sales representative

    2012 - 2013 I sell street furniture and road signs from territorial communities: when we win a market in a city we have to prospecting shopkeepers, to make appointments, to set up files, to follow up customers.
  • COMICS - Hostess

    2012 - 2013 COMICS LYON Handing out of leaflets in the street. The goal is to promote events and recruit news-customers. At each beginning of happening I limit the prospecting area. I also call out to persons in the street, explain the project and follow them step by step
  • Milim Real Estate Agency - Sales assistant

    2011 - 2011 07/11 to 23/12 to 23/12/11: Sales assistant Milim Real Estate Agency specialized renting properties. I took appointments with potential customers and prospected owners
  • Grand Lyon Agency - Renting Assistant

    2010 - 2010 : Renting Assistant Grand Lyon Agency. Real estate agency, I visited flats and houses. I set up files and followed customers to acquire rental properties.


  • Ecole Pigier

    Lyon 2013 - 2013 Marketing pack project. The purpose of this marketing project was to extend with creativity a concept which doesn't exist on the French market, to improve the ability to work in teams. The project was a cupcake store where customers have the possibility to constitute their own little cakes like in Subway restaurants. By studying the market environment our team build up a marketing plan. I was pers
  • Ecole Pigier

    Lyon 2012 - 2013 Bachelors Degree

    PIGIER PERFORMANCE LYON, France. Bachelor degree in business development management. Training courses and seminars in communication, marketing, negotiation, management.
    Stakeholders' seminars are professional and av.


Annuaire des membres :