As an advertising agency director I have acquired a vast and rich experience in:
▪ Planning, executing and launching advertising campaigns for various products in a variety of mass media.
▪ producing advertising material for any type of promotion (leaflets, fliers, point of sale, direct mail etc)
▪ Negotiating the media for maximum exposure at lower costs.
▪ Overseeing all types of advertising productions (from print-work to radio and tv spot production)
Due to my background and long experience as a copywriter / scriptwriter I can:
▪ write any kind of article (press release, newsletters, website content, radio and tv commercials, promotional materials etc…)
▪ forward articles to newspapers & magazines for free hosting
▪ write creative copy for radio or tv spots
As a teacher of English, I can easily write or translate English, Greek …or french text to and from these 3 languages
Mes compétences :
Microsoft Word
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Excel
Corel Draw Suite
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Indesign