- Small Business Banking Development Division Manager
2007 - maintenant
• In charge of 15 Sales Managers and 650 Small Business Banking Officers (dotted reporting line) on the commercial aspect (monitoring and development of our Small Business Banking customers portfolio and of the customer relationship within a global preoccupation of profitability) while ensuring the control of the risks.
• Follow-up of the realization of the commercial objectives.
• Improvement of the customer satisfaction and the Network operational effectiveness.
• Increased responsibilities on recovering the professional loans recently in this unfavorable current economic context.
BNP Paribas
- Area Manager (Retail Banking)
2004 - 2006
Commercial development, risk management and human resources on the Individual and Companies customers (Paris 17th arrondissement).
BNP Paribas
- Inspector / Auditor
2001 - 2003
• General Inspection, Group Risk Monitoring. Participated in the implementation of the new “Group Risk Monitoring” entity and in the design of new global credit risk management tools.
• Retail Banking, Head Office of Ile de France Region. Review of the corporate portfolio. Assessed credit risk profiles of large corporate clients in two Business Centers.
• BFI, Dublin. In charge of auditing and measuring the operating performances of the Dublin-based Irish branch. Analysis of profitability and performance criteria. Conducted an extensive market research including an overview of the commercial banking competitive environment in Ireland.
• BFI, Brussels and Amsterdam. Audited and measured the operating performances of the Human Resources, Tax, Legal and Compliance divisions.
• Retail Banking, Head Office of France South-West Region. Assessed the impact and contribution of the Head Office over its local subsidiaries from a strategic commercial development standpoint. In charge of assessing and comparing the commercial strategies of Bordeaux-Tourny and Toulouse subsidiaries.
• Group Risk Management. Advisory assignment on cost cutting optimisation for 2002 budget.
• BNP Paribas Epargne Entreprise. Audited and assessed the feasibility impact of implementing a centralised support division including Human Resources, IT and Finance.
BNP Paribas
- Branch Manager of Antibes Branch (Cannes Area, France)
1998 - 2001
Worms Bank
- Junir Commercial Staff
1997 - 1998
Prepared request for proposals (RFPs) tendering documents when pitching for the management of large institutional funds & Conducted a study regarding the impact of Euro implementation.