I'm currently undertaking an internship in the R&D department of Spineway (Lyon, France), a biomedical company. I am really interested in this field, and particullarly the implants and prosthesis. The current project allows me to use and develop my creativity, my dynamism and my rigour thatI aquired during extrascolar activities. Moreover, the group projects I did through my course enabled me to develop my independance and flexibility. In addition to this, my position as relation between the hierarchy and the project team, demonstrated my ability to solve problems and my sens of responsabilities. This qualities, along with my general engineering course with a specialisation in mechanics and materials, will be very useful to me in all the mission a company would consider to entrust me with.
I will be available the 15th of November, at the completion of my double degree engineer Arts et Métiers ParisTech (ENSAM) and Master of Science in Advanced Materials at Cranfield University (UK).
Mes compétences :
Ansys workbench
Science des matériaux
Génie industriel
Génie mécanique
Lean Engineering
Microsoft Office
Finite Element Analysis