Je suis actuellement doctorant en imagerie-médicale a l’université du Queensland, Brisbane, Australie (University of Queensland & The Australian e-Health Research center).
Compétences informatiques :
Expérience avec: Microsoft Windows, Linux (Ubuntu), Mac OS
Langages: Java, C/C++, Python, Bash, R
Librairies: Bonne connaissance de ITK/VTK, OpenGL, BOOST, CML, VNL (expérience en Java3d)
Langages Logiques: LISP, Prolog (connaissances basiques)
Web: (X)HTML, PHP, Javascript, JQuery, MySQL, XML, XSLT, J2EE
Design Application: UML
IDE: Visual Studio, Eclipse, Qt Creator
Logiciels: Microsoft Office, 3DS max
Autre compétences: mathématiques pour l'imagerie, rédaction d'articles scientifiques
Anthony Paproki, Xavier Sirault, Scott Berry, Robert Furbank, and Jurgen Fripp. A novel mesh processing based technique for 3D plant analysis. BMC Plant Biology, 12(1):63, 2012. [bibtex-entry]
Xavier Sirault, Jurgen Fripp, Anthony Paproki, Jianming Guo, Peter Kuffner, Helen Daily, Xavier Li, Rongxina nd Sirault, and Robert Furbank. PlantScan: a three-dimensional phenotyping platform for capturing the structural dynamic of plant development and growth. In 7th International Conference on Functional-Structural Plant Models, pages 75, November 2013.
Xavier Sirault, Anthony Paproki, Jurgen Fripp, Jianming Guo, Helen Daily, Ron Li, Chuong Nguyen, and Robert Furbank. 3D plant analysis over time: understanding plant architecture, growth and function using imaging technologies. In PhenoDays 2012, pages 555 -560, October 2012.
Chuong Nguyen, Paul Jackway, Ron Li, Changming Sun, David Lovell, Xavier Sirault, Scott Berry, Robert Furbank, Anthony Paproki, Jurgen Fripp, and John LaSalle. Image analysis for Accelerated Phenomics. In CSIRO Workshop on Workflows, High-Throughput Imaging, Visualisation and Accelerated Computing, pages 1, October 2011.
Anthony Paproki, Jurgen Fripp, Olivier Salvado, Xavier Sirault, Scott Berry, and Robert Furbank. Automated 3D Segmentation and Analysis of Cotton Plants. In International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA), pages 555 -560, December 2011.
Anthony Paproki, Jurgen Fripp, Xavier Sirault, Scott Berry, and Robert Furbank. Automated Plant Phenomics 3D Analysis. In International Plant Phenomics Network, 2nd International Plant Phenotyping Symposium, Book of Abstracts, pages 75, November 2011.
Xavier Sirault, Jurgen Fripp, Anthony Paproki, Helen Daily, Tom Guo, Peter Kuffner, Chuong Nguyen, Ron Li, and Bob Furbank. PlantScan?: a three-dimensional phenotyping platform for capturing the structural dynamic of plant development and growth. In 7th International Conference on Functional-Structural Plant Models, Hotel Riekonlinnan, Saariselk„, Finland, . Unknown.
Mes compétences :