


En résumé

Computer Sciences engineer, specialised in IT.

My technical background in .Net and PHP allowed me to have a good view of the technical challenges of software and web development through the development of websites and applications.

The various projects in coordination, PMO and project management I was involved in have allowed me to develop my coordination skills, knowledge in methodologies and communication to international teams.

Being an Integration Manager at Ubisoft for several years has extended my experience on Web services technologies, coordination and project management in that domain.

Area of expertise: Web Services Projects, management and coordination of IT related projects

Good communication, Pro-active, flexible, solution oriented, sense of responsabilities and Team work.

Mes compétences :


  • Ubisoft - Integration Manager

    Montreuil 2012 - maintenant As a part of the Web Services team, my role is to support the game production and the web development teams in the integration of the web services.
    It is also to ensure the quality of the flows and processes, as well as the documentation and guidelines that will be used by the integrators.

    The services provided are concerning several domains such as:

    - Uplay Accounts: Authentication and account creation management
    - Monetisation: Aggregation of payments on the web, transaction management, pricing configuration, product delivery and business reports
    - Beta Management: Management of the game betas, players registration, players feedbacks on bugs and ideations.

    In that Context, I was able to manage:

    - More than 50 integrations for the authentication systems on marketing, registration, contest and game sites and clients
    - Monetisation integration in AAA games (Assassin's Creed 3, 4 and 5, The Crew...), F2P games (The Settlers Online, Anno online, Ghost Recon Phantoms...)

    The role of an integration manager consists in:

    - guiding the teams through the functional and technical integration of the tools
    - support them during the entire phase of integration and take care of the day to day configurations
    - ensure the quality of the integration
    - Make sure the launch is 100% ready at the go live date
    - Update the documentation and guidelines according to the services update
    - Provide feedback and propose updates to the services based on the client requests and integration experience

    In the context of Monetisation in PC/Web games, I was also able to lead projects to create web stores to sell online contents for Assassin's Creed games. In that context my role was to:

    - Create functional and technical specifications
    - Ensure the connection of the web store to the different systems (authentication, game, privilege systems)
    - Coordinate the delivery of the design and localisation assets
    - Lead the development
    - Coordinate tests and plan the go live date
  • TalentSoft - Ingénieur R&D

    Boulogne Billancourt 2011 - 2012 En charge du développement de nouvelles fonctionnalités liée à tous les concepts RH.
  • ADEX - Responsable d'application

    2009 - 2011 En charge de l'analyse et de la maintenance évolutive et corrective d'une application utilisée dans le métier des œuvres audiovisuelles, cette mission a aussi pour but d'apporter son avis technique sur les développements souhaités par le client et de trouver la meilleure solution possible.

    Je suis donc impliqué dans toutes les phases du projet : Analyse des besoins, rédactions du cahier des charges, estimation des délais, développement, tests et déploiement sur les différents environnements.
  • AXEN - Consultant

    2007 - 2009



Annuaire des membres :