


En résumé

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  • CommonsSense - Consultant et chef de projet

    2015 - maintenant CommonsSense helps organizations create and animate challenge-solving communities inside and/or outside the company to make them more innovative, more dynamic, break the silos and create support to meaningful projects. To do so, we design online and offline tools, communication campaigns, innovation processes, challenge-solving workshops and community development trainings.

    We have worked with more than 30 large companies in France and abroad: Suez Environnement (www.futureofwaste.org), Danone, Orange, SAP, P&G, Vinci, L'Occitane, Accenture, La Poste, European Commission… We support our clients in a mutual leaning experience.

    CommonsSense is a social business powered by MakeSense. CommonsSense's expertise comes from the daily experience of designing and animating the MakeSense community. Through a partnership and licensing agreement, CommonsSense contributes in funding MakeSense by paying a license fee every quarter based on a percentage of the turnover.

  • MAKESENSE - Organisateur de la Coupe de France de l'Entrepreneuriat Social Etudiant

    2014 - 2014 www.lasocialcup.com
  • MAKESENSE deutschland - Entrepreneur/Community Developer

    2014 - 2014 http://beta.makesense.org/

  • Home24 GmbH - International Logistics and Shop Manager

    2013 - 2014 International Logistics Manager
    Responsible for the logistic process to France
    Project Manager for the implementation of the new delivery processes in the Netherlands

    International Shop Manager
    Coordinator of maintenance, translation, shop updates and products activation on the French, Austrian and Dutch shops.
  • Home24 Berlin - International Logistics Junior

    Berlin 2013 - 2013
  • Cleveor - Consultant Stagiaire

    2012 - 2012
  • IP Network - RTL GROUP - Chargé d'Etudes International

    2011 - 2011


  • ICN Business School (London)

    London maintenant
  • ICN Business School (Nantes)

    Nantes maintenant
  • Boise State University (Boise)

    Boise 2010 - 2011 International Business & Economics
  • ICN (Nancy)

    Nancy 2008 - 2012


Annuaire des membres :