


En résumé

Je m'appelle Atem Enow Victor Oben agée de 23 ans et suis camerounais.j'ai une license en science politique de l'Université de Buea au cameroun. je suis a recherche d'un stage dans n'importe quel entreprises ou des investisseurs pour mes nombreux projets d'affaires dans le batiments, le transports aerienne et routiers, l'aviation, dans l'education et les nouvelles technologies. je suis un leadeur.mon plus grand souhait est de créer et diriger la meilleur compagnie aerienne au monde et je travaille pour realiser ce rève.actuellement,j'ai monter un projet d'affaire dan le secteur du transport routier qui sera nouveaux en afrique sub-saharien et pourqoui pas l' un projet de transport ultra-moderne qui visent simplement de ramener les experience que l'on a en voyagant dans des compahgnies aeriennes cinq etoiles comme Qatar dans des bus vip a prix bas et je suis a recherche des investisseur ou vous etes interesser,veuillez m'ecrire ou me contactez sur mon numero personnel (+237)95057689.merci a vous de plus

Mes compétences :
out of the norm mindset


  • Executive travel services - Pca

  • Ministry of External Relations Yaounde Cameroon - Assistant de direction

    2012 - 2012 i worked as an intern with the department incharge of relations with countries of the near, middle and far East, Asia, the pacific and with the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation.
  • International coalitions of organisations for youth development - Ambassadeur de sensibilisation

    2012 - 2012 i was in charge of doing outdoor sensitisation in places like schools,offices,administrative areas about the company's activities and what they stand for and what their proposed methods of wanting to bring change in a decaying society


  • Swinburne University Of Technology (Melbourne)

    Melbourne 2015 - maintenant i am passionate about Innovation and these course simply broadened my understanding on the power of innovation for corporate growth and success. simply put, it gave me the ability to help make innovation happen by using a rich mix of practical approaches and robust concepts. it has challenged and equipped me to be a better innovator from varied perspectives, business environments, and industries
  • Griffith University

    Brisbane / Goldcoast 2015 - maintenant introduction to Business in Asia

    The course is simply meant to offer training to enable one easily understand, identify and negotiate business in Asia with emphasis on social and cultural aspects of business such as cultures, leadership, Management and Personal relationships. the focus is on China, Japan, Korea and some countries of South East Asia like Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Phillippines, Thailand and Vietnam.
  • International College Of Management Sydney

    Manly 2015 - maintenant Through this course, i am being able to understand the strategies of successful managers leading globally successful companies based on three major aspects being leadership, teamwork and communication
  • University Of Buea, Cameroon (Buea)

    Buea 2010 - 2013 BSc

    Trained to understand and successfully excel in the art of administration, local and international politics, develop effective governmental and business policies and strategies in the administrative and corporate world in order to achieve set objectives


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