- Préparation des contenus de la communication (recueil, évaluation, sélection, rédaction, ...)
- Vérification de la conformité et la qualité de l'information diffusée
- Conception d’ une ligne éditoriale de publications, de contenus de messages, de supports de communication, ...
- Constitution et mise à jour du fichier presse
- Revue de presse journalière et suivi des retombées
-Réalisation des supports de communication
-Définition de la politique de communication de la structure (budgets, dépenses, plan de communication)
-Mise à jour des données d'activité (tableaux de bord, statistiques, ...)
-Constitution d’un réseau de journalistes
- Planification et préparation d’événements (conférences de presse, salons professionnels, petits-déjeuners investisseurs)
- Organisation logistique des événements
- Organisation des séminaires
Informatique ( PC & Mac)
- Bureautique : Word, Excel, Filemaker Pro
- PAO : Photoshop, Illustrator, Xpress
- Anglais opérationnel
- Espagnol Opérationnel
Professional Experience
2012 Freelancer in press relations
• Press release writing
• Editorial
• Speeches
• Newsletters & Bulletins
• Planning, developing and implementing PR strategies
• Event Management
2012 Senior PR Consultant – Medical & Health sector (PARIS)
All Services / Convergence Infirmière
• Implement the internal communications strategy for the group
• Research preparation and approval of press releases
• Manage the PR and communication budget
• Digital monitoring
2009/2011 Associate Director IT (PARIS)
• External / Internal communications
• Corporate
• Consumer campaigns
• Crisis
• Coordination
• Business Developement
• Global Communication
• Media promotions
• Business plan
Senior PR – IT B2B (PARIS)
Car Telematics
• Take a lead on media interviews for the group
• Develop effective crisis communications activities for the group if they occur
• Develop and define key messages into relevant and persuasive copy to ensure consistently high volumes of external coverage and effective internal communications
• Implement the internal communications strategy for the group
• Research, preparation and approval of press releases, case studies, opinion articles etc
• Run the company's press office function
• Manage the PR and communications budget
• Retain and develop relationships with key journalists across various industry, national and regional press
PR Consultant (PARIS)
2007 Hors Antenne
Developement databases
Institutional bases
Editorial forecasts
Associate PR (PARIS)
2006 Aditem Consulting
.Launch of a new tool marketing
.Prospecting customers
. Realisation of a press kit
Associate PR (PARIS)
2005 TEVA
• Press Conference
• Internal communications
PR Manager Experience, both in house and international PR agencies. Expert in coordination, both consumer & corporate PR - Good management qualities and highly creative. Operational marketing skills.
-Crisis management (all sorts) media watch, statements, digital monitoring and recommendations
Press Relations
-Writing of press releases in both French and English, Q&As, Media briefing for interviews, media training, crisis management
-Update of media database, strategic targeting of media in line with communications objectives
-Management and coordination of the Visiting Journalist Program – Media Promotion - media conferences, round tables dinners - Preview cocktails –
Strategic PR Recommendation and Reporting : Creation and follow up of strategic PR plans, monthly analysis reports of clippings,
Budget management:
-Implementation and follow up of yearly communications budgets and PR plans for French clients
- Word, Excel, Filemaker Pro
- PAO : Photoshop, Ill
Mes compétences :
Relations Presse
Community management
Site internet
Communication interne/externe
Communication institutionnelle
Communication corporate
Rédaction de contenus
Presse écrite
Communication d'entreprise
Communiqués de pesse
Dossiers de presse
Revues de presse
Plan média
Plan de communication
Conférences de presse
Outils marketing