


En résumé

Etudiante au sein de l'ESC Rennes en Master Achats - Supply Chain, jai travaillé au sein d'entreprises qui ont un contexte international. Cela m'a permis d'acquérir un niveau opérationnel avancé en Anglais (TOEFL: 93 et TOEIC:905). Je suis également bilingue en Portugais ce qui me permettra d'être efficace sur le marché brésilien où je souhaite commencer ma carrière. Je suis actuellement à la recherche d'un stage de fin d'études pour juillet 2015.


  • Airbus Group - Assistant to the Head of long range engine procurement

    Blagnac 2013 - 2014 SS
    * Set up lean and visual management to support weekly reporting activities, weekly update for KPI's. ;
    * Weekly FAL meeting with engine and nacelle suppliers. ;
    * Write handbook (70 pages) to describe and present the team activities and scope of action. ;
    * Support claim reconciliation: analyse and list FAL damages and non-quality costs. ;
    * Mapping procedure for A350 TXWB engine purchasing order. ;
    * Familiarisation with engine procurement contractual activity: manage contracts update in the database, archiving all contracts of PPL team from the beginning of its activity. ;
  • Decathlon - Salesperson

    Villeneuve d'Ascq 2012 - 2013 Merchandising new season stock, stock management, increased sales with excellent customer service levels and developed good relationships with regular customers. Highly focused on providing customers with a good experience.
  • Decathlon - Salesperson

    Villeneuve d'Ascq 2012 - 2012 Successful salesperson with excellent results after three months: +12% section turnover, +3% customers.
  • Jardiland - Cesson Sévigné - Cashier

    2011 - 2012 Working on a cash register in a large busy store providing a high quality, customer driven service.
  • Tradeinn - Customer and product department assistant

    2011 - 2011 On-line Retailer Company. My tasks involved problem solving skills, communication skills and Interacting with customers from various different cultures: Portuguese, Spanish, English and French. I was in customer management service: inform customers, orders management, logistic follow-up, after sales service.

    In product department, my task was: updating description and product presentation in French and Portuguese.
  • Vipbox - Sales representative

    2010 - 2010 Vipbox - Prospection area: Pyrénées Atlantiques and Hautes -Pyrénées, France - Internship
    Prospecting 200 potential customers, meetings with companies' councils, orders follow-up, new business acquisitions during the internship.
    * Develop autonomous being, negotiating and organising skills

    Launch new products through commercial animations within la FNAC.



Annuaire des membres :