
Aurélien HAVEL

Rueil Malmaison

En résumé

Enginner in energy graduated from the high-level engineering school 'Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne', I specialized in energy system optimization with an Master of Advanced Studies at 'Mines ParisTech', part of 'Paris Research University'.

Key words : smart-grid, energy markets, economy, optimization

Publications :
Revue de l'Energie
Presse des Mines

Mes compétences :
Pro II
Decision Support Modeling
Heat and Mass Transfer
Arena Simulation …
Finite Element Modeling
Fluid mechanics
Microsoft office
Abaqus CAE
NX 8.5


  • Schneider Electric - Predictive control for microgrids

    Rueil Malmaison 2015 - 2015 - Microgrids become a real asset regarding power quality, power security, cost and energy decentralization. University campuses in the United States and other part of the world often have developed their Microgrids, involving several Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) types and coupling electric and thermal energy. Schneider Electric has several tools dedicated to predictive control for microgrids. My role was to identify pros and cons of each solution et determine was the most adequate to multi-fluid microgrids.
    - Development of a predictive control algorithm for microgrids for small islands. The tool I developed takes as inputs: forecasts of renewable production and demand, the current state of the microgrid, the different generation and storage means available and determines the optimized schedule for each DER for the next 24h. Each DER inner constraints are taken into account in order to have an operation cost as realistic as possible.
  • SNCF - Energy storage optimization according to markets prices

    2015 - maintenant The electric system is identified like a major vector of the energy transition, and must evolve to accompany the future transformations while controlling the costs and maintaining quality of service for the consumers. The challenges are numerous, particularely in the ways of managing of the system and of mobilizing new levers of flexibility to gain in effectiveness and flexibility.
    The SNCF being the first electric national consumer after the French TSO, it can play a main function to define the evolutions of the network. Indeed, the national mesh of train stations presents a layer of flexibility interesting to reduce the local energy congestions, to defer network investments or to reduce its energy bill.
    After a phase of identification of valorization of the layers of flexibility the SNCF can provide on the markets, my work consists in designing an optimization tool determining the energy capacities to install together with the energy management associated.
  • EDF - Design of an innovative cooling system for offshore High-Voltage Direct Current converters

    Paris 2014 - 2014 Conversion of electricity from AC to DC is necessary for offshore wind farms located at more than 80km from the shore. High densities of heat need to be evacuated to ensure a good longevity of all the electronic devices that convert electricity. My purpose was to assess the suitability of a new dissipating system : a thermo-capillary pumped loop.

    Achievements :
    I compared 3 different dissipating systems on technical basis (cold plate, heat pipe, capillary pumped loop).
    I conceived a modelisation of the capillary pumped loop on Matlab and analyzed the variations of temperatures for different input parameters.
    I provided a detailed model of the condensation of the fluid in the pipe in order to design the condenser as small as possible.
  • Altran - Finite elements thermal study of a satellite antenna with NX 8.5 software (Internship)

    Vélizy-Villacoublay 2013 - 2013 Assessment of the software NX 8.5 as a new tool to conduct studies on a satellite antenna.
    Numerical model construction and analyses of simulations.
    Sensitivity analyses and solver parameters optimisation for Thalès Alenia Space.
    Qualifications of the informatic specifications in order to conduct studies in the most efficient way (RAM, OS...).
  • Camping Les Peneyrals - Assistant de Direction

    2012 - 2012 Organisation des équipes, Contact client, Organisation évènementielle
  • Papeterie CONDAT - Aide Contrôleur de la station de traitement des eaux

    2012 - 2012 Découverte du monde de l'entreprise et analyse des procédés de traitement des eaux de la papeterie.


  • Ecole Nationale Supérieure Des Mines De Paris (MINES ParisTech)

    Paris 2014 - 2015 Formation de 12 mois de spécialisation dans le monde de l'énergie à travers une approche basée sur l'optimisation. Fournissant des compétences techniques dans tous les domaines de l'énergie, une maîtrise des aspects économiques et juridiques propres à ce secteur ainsi qu'une formation au management de projets, ce mastère s'avère être un complément de haut niveau à mon diplôme d'ingénieur.
  • Edinburgh University (Edinburgh)

    Edinburgh 2013 - 2013 Renewable energies, Nuclear energy
  • Université Saint Etienne Jean Monnet

    St Etienne 2012 - 2013 Licence économie-gestion

    Licence acquise en parallèle du cursus ingénieur,
    Développement de connaissances en économie (finance, macroéconomie, microéconomie, économie industrielle, économie du travail, économie publique) mais aussi en gestion (comptabilité, droit des sociétés, droit du travail, propriété industrielle, normes).
  • Ecole Des Mines

    Saint Etienne 2011 - 2014 Ingénieur Civil des Mines - Mention TB

    Energie et génie des procédés - Management de projets et d'équipes, processus et systèmes industriels, aide à la décision en contexte industriel, éléments finis fluides et structures, Energies et procédés.
  • Lycée Michel Montaigne

    Bordeaux 2009 - 2011 MPSI (Maths, Physiques, Science de l'ingénieur) puis PSI*(Physique science de l'ingénieur). Développement de connaissances théoriques poussée dans la physique (Thermique, Fluides...) et les Mathématiques.


Annuaire des membres :